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Broker/AD agent doesn't allow setting or save of 'Scope' configuration setting

Adrian Corston 6 years ago in UNIFYBroker/Microsoft Active Directory updated 3 years ago 15

Using Broker/Microsoft Active Directory v5.3.0.0 RTM I tried changing the "Scope" configuration setting from "Base" to "Subtree" using the UI and it immediately reverted back to "Base" after saving.  Looking in the ConnectorEnginePluginKey extensibility file the scope setting appears to be missing altogether, so I can't manually set it:

Image 5179


Azure ISOs Refresh

Todd Turner 6 years ago updated by Adam van Vliet 6 years ago 5

Hi all,

Sorry for the slightly odd place to log this, it seemed the least incorrect.  I'm attempting to obtain the Chris21 ISOs but the links appear to have expired.  The page I am attempting to grab these from is:

Adam van Vliet 6 years ago

We try to avoid things of our laptops because it can't be controlled by UNIFY. It also means we can't capture and reuse stuff if it makes sense. If you are running out (which from the discussion you could avoid by being careful with which resources you're using), you can always arrange more with your manager.

Won't fix

Content Manager returning all cd-error

When I run exports to the Content Manager MA, I'm getting cd-errors with no further information on all pending exports. Doing a FIFS and then another export changes the number of exports so something is getting through. Looking at the logs, it looks like the ldap connection is being closed before the response is sent back to MIM. Attached logs.


AD Connector, Request Schema doesn't work

Daniel Walters 6 years ago updated by Matthew Davis (Technical Product Manager) 6 years ago 3

Using these versions

Image 5158

I just created an AD Agent and then created a connector, gave it a name and set the Object Container

Image 5159

and as soon as the created Connector comes up, it has an error "This connector requires at least one key".

Image 5160

I hit request schema and get this error:

Image 5161

I added sAMAccountName as a the key and required and the error "This connector requires at least one key" goes away but when I request the schema I still get the above, "Value cannot be null. Parameter name: key"


Fresh install IdB, IdB for AD, IdB Plus: Errors on startup

Daniel Walters 6 years ago updated by Matthew Davis (Technical Product Manager) 6 years ago 6

I've just created a fresh VM and installed IdB 5.3 then IdB for AD then IdB Plus. When I started the service and navigated to localhost:8008 I got an error telling me to turn custom errors off. I did that and got the following. I haven't tried anything to resolve it yet, just thought this might be a bug.

Method not found: 'Void Unify.Framework.ExtensibilityPlugInDictionary`4..ctor(System.IO.DirectoryInfo, System.String, Unify.Framework.IUnifyBranding)'.

Exception Details: System.MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'Void Unify.Framework.ExtensibilityPlugInDictionary`4..ctor(System.IO.DirectoryInfo, System.String, Unify.Framework.IUnifyBranding)'.

Image 5154

Image 5155


Error retrieving certificate for ldap configuration

Daniel Walters 6 years ago updated by Adam van Vliet 6 years ago 3

I'm getting this error on the IdB homepage

Image 5145

What does this mean? There's no certificate settings in the Settings tab 

Image 5146

Adam van Vliet 6 years ago

Using the conditions that are configured (none), it has found 3 certificates. If you want to have it select one of those certificates you'll have to configure some conditions that uniquely identifies the one that you're after.


PowerShell Transformation: Coalescing Multi-Value DNs

Daniel Walters 6 years ago updated by Matthew Davis (Technical Product Manager) 6 years ago 5

I have two dn.multi fields that I want to coalesce into a single list and also ensure it is unique. It would be something like this

$bothFields = $entity["placepositionoccupants"] + $entity["acpositionoccupants"]

$entity["occupants"] = $bothFields | select-object -unique

This doesn't work though. There's a couple things wrong with it. There's no addition operation for whatever object type the entity is and also when I do a select-object -unique it seems to longer be the type that Broker requires. Any hints on how I can achieve this is powershell? If I had the the object type that's required, I could create a new instance of that and then loop through the two lists adding as appropriate but I don't know the object type and couldn't find it any doco.


Thanks for the feedback Daniel. I've added it to our backlog for action.


Attribute Table Mapping Request

I have a customer that has modified their database schema and has had a flow on effect to IDB where it will not run as there is an extra column.  Problem being the extra column has been added in multiple places and need to be able to isolate exactly which db/table/column each attribute connects to so I can inform the customer which instance of the extra column is causing IDB to fail so they can remove.


Hi Todd,

Out of the 5 tables listed in the ticket, i've done a mapping of which tables expect the field based on the OBSOLETE_1 field:






So if they've added the field to HBM_NAME, HBM_WORK_GROUP or HBM_ADDRESS then it's likely one (or more) of these tables is what's causing the issue. The connector gets relational data from all of the tables listed, so it's unlikely to just be a single table.


Entity key contains null value

Daniel Walters 6 years ago updated by Matthew Davis (Technical Product Manager) 6 years ago 1
Image 5136

Can I get some assistance with what this error is inidcating? It says the entity key of the entity contains a null value. What is the entity key? I can find the user with the ID in MIM and there's a pending export that's failing where it's adding an attribute. There's no null or attribute deletion in MIM. The error in MIM isn't much help:

Image 5137

Hey Dan,

This means that an update to an entity from MIM is attempting to flow out to Broker, but a field marked as a "Key" in the adapter does not have a value.

Make sure any fields you've got defined as being the key have values assigned when flowing either adds or updates.