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Won't fix

JadeStar Position Occupancy Connector not surfacing PrimaryOccupancyIndicator attribute properly

There is an issue with the _KB_JadeStar Position Occupancy Connector in where the PrimaryOccupancyIndicator is not properly reflecting the values in JadeStar properly.

Details moved to comment. -BH

The PrimaryOccupancyIndicator for these two roles are both set to True in the connector. In the adapter, the Occupancy is joined with the Employee using PrimaryOccupancyIndicator as Priority and since there are two of these entries it chooses the first one which in this case is the wrong occupancy.

Image 5962

Could you please take a look at this connector and advise?


Empty String behaviour change from IdB5 upgrade for JadeStar

Bob Bradley 6 years ago in UNIFYBroker/Fusion5 JadeStar updated by anonymous 5 years ago 6

We are seeing unwanted/impacting behavioural variations in the IdB5 adapter data when compared with the legacy IdB4 adapter for the same JadeStar record.

When values are missing in the connector they are (correctly) not being surfaced in the IdB4 adapter, but are being surfaced as empty strings in IdB5.

Here is an example of the problem, as exposed for employee 500015 via LDP:

ld = ldap_open("localhost", 389);
Established connection to localhost.
Retrieving base DSA information...
Getting 1 entries:
Dn: (RootDSE)

res = ldap_simple_bind_s(ld, 'MIM_ReadWrite', <unavailable>); // v.3
Authenticated as: 'MIM_ReadWrite'.
Expanding base 'CN=500015,OU=JadeStar,DC=IdentityBroker'...
Matched DNs: CN=500015,OU=JadeStar,DC=IdentityBroker
Getting 1 entries:
Dn: CN=500015,OU=JadeStar,DC=IdentityBroker
CellphoneCountryCode: <ldp: binary="" blob="" 0="" bytes="">; 
CellphoneNumber: <ldp: binary="" blob="" 0="" bytes="">; 
CellphonePrefix: <ldp: binary="" blob="" 0="" bytes="">; 
DDiCountryCode: +64; 
DDiNumber: 222 4456; 
DDiPrefix: 4; 
DepartmentCode: 260526; 
DepartmentDescription: External Retail Network; 
DepartmentJadeCode: 1476; 
DeskNumber: <ldp: binary="" blob="" 0="" bytes="">; 
DivisionCode: SAS; 
DivisionDescription: Sales and Service; 
DivisionJadeCode: 30; 
DivisionSubCode: RETAIL CHANGE; 
DivisionSubDescription: Retail Change and Agencies; 
DivisionSubJadeCode: 225; 
EffectiveDate: 20190601000000.000Z; 
EmailAddress: <ldp: binary="" blob="" 0="" bytes="">; 
EmployeeNumber: 500015; 
EmployeeStatus: <ldp: binary="" blob="" 0="" bytes="">; 
EmployeeType: Temporary; 
EmploymentEndDate: 25000101000000.000Z; 
EmploymentStartDate: 20190601000000.000Z; 
ExpiryDate: 25000101000000.000Z; 
Extension: <ldp: binary="" blob="" 0="" bytes="">; 
FaxCountryCode: <ldp: binary="" blob="" 0="" bytes="">; 
FaxNumber: <ldp: binary="" blob="" 0="" bytes="">; 
FaxPrefix: <ldp: binary="" blob="" 0="" bytes="">; 
FirstName: Indiana; 
Function: <ldp: binary="" blob="" 0="" bytes="">; 
Initials: IM; 
JobFamily: <ldp: binary="" blob="" 0="" bytes="">; 
Level: <ldp: binary="" blob="" 0="" bytes="">; 
LocationCode: WN 20 Customhouse Quay; 
Manager: CN=852206,OU=JadeStar,DC=IdentityBroker; 
MiddleName: <ldp: binary="" blob="" 0="" bytes="">; 
objectClass: employee; 
OccupancyEndDate: 25000101000000.000Z; 
OccupancyStartDate: 20190601000000.000Z; 
OccupancyType: Std; 
OID: 7878.93689; 
OrganisationLevel: 0; 
OU: JadeStar; 
PositionCode: K2A-0012; 
PositionName: Agent Manager - Kiwibank Thorndon Sth; 
PositionOccupancyReportsToEmployee: 852206; 
PositionOccupancyReportsToName: Andrew Holford; 
PreferredName: Indiana; 
PrimaryOccupancyIndicator: TRUE; 
PrimaryPositionIndicator: FALSE; 
ReportsToEmployee: 852206; 
ReportsToName: Andrew Holford; 
ReportsToPositionCode: K2-4666; 
ReportsToPositionName: Commercial and Contracts Manager; 
StandardHoursFortnight: 80.00; 
subschemaSubentry: CN=JadeStar,cn=schema; 
Surname: Manager; 
TeamDescription: External Retail Network; 
TeamJadeCode: 10837; 
Title: <ldp: binary="" blob="" 0="" bytes="">; 
UserID: <ldp: binary="" blob="" 0="" bytes="">; 


The above record shows "0 bytes" for a large number of attributes, as opposed to no value at all (NULL) which is what both myself and the legacy FIM rules extensions had expected.

The FIM data imported in LDIF format from IdB4, however, shows no data in these fields at all (i.e. correctly interpreting null values in the adapter).

dn: CN=500015
objectClass: person
IdBID: 65b70aac-4666-4396-9b95-0bcb33803c53
LocationCode: WN 20 Customhouse Quay
ReportsToEmployee: 852206
Initials: IM
DDiNumber: 222 4456
PreferredName: Indiana
EmployeeNumber: 500015
EmploymentStartDate: 2019-06-01T00:00:00.000
ReportsToName: Andrew Holford
OID: 7878.93689
DDiCountryCode: +64
Surname: Manager
FirstName: Indiana
EmploymentEndDate: 2500-01-01T00:00:00.000
DDiPrefix: 4
EmployeeType: Temporary
DepartmentCode: 260526
DepartmentJadeCode: 1476
DivisionCode: SAS
DivisionJadeCode: 30
DivisionSubCode: RETAIL CHANGE
DivisionSubJadeCode: 225
OccupancyEndDate: 2500-01-01T00:00:00.000
OccupancyStartDate: 2019-06-01T00:00:00.000
OccupancyType: Std
PositionCode: K2A-0012
PrimaryOccupancyIndicator: True
PrimaryPositionIndicator: False
PositionOccupancyReportsToEmployee: 852206
PositionOccupancyReportsToName: Andrew Holford
StandardHoursFortnight: 80.00
TeamJadeCode: 10837
DepartmentDescription: External Retail Network
DivisionDescription: Sales and Service
DivisionSubDescription: Retail Change and Agencies
EffectiveDate: 2019-06-01T00:00:00.000
ExpiryDate: 2500-01-01T00:00:00.000
OrganisationLevel: 0
PositionName: Agent Manager - Kiwibank Thorndon Sth
ReportsToPositionCode: K2-4666
ReportsToPositionName: Commercial and Contracts Manager
TeamDescription: External Retail Network
Manager: CN=852206

Given the problematicdata includes fields such as CellphoneCountryCode from the base connector (i.e. untransformed), can the above behaviour be traced back to a problem with the IdB5 version of the JadeStar connector that can be easily corrected in the one place please?



Authentication details have not been provided

Full imports for all 3 connectors, as well as polling imports for the employees connector are now all working.  However polling imports are failing with a "Authentication details have not been provided" error for both Position and Position Occupancy as follows:

Change detection engine import changes for connector _KB_JadeStar Position Connector failed with reason The content type application/soap+xml; charset=utf-8 of the response message does not match the content type of the binding (text/xml; charset=utf-8). If using a custom encoder, be sure that the IsContentTypeSupported method is implemented properly. The first 676 bytes of the response were: '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <soap:envelope xmlns:soap=""> <soap:body> <soap:fault> <soap:code> <soap:value>soap:Sender</soap:value> </soap:code> <soap:reason> <soap:text xml:lang="en">Error 1000 - Authentication details have not been provided.</soap:text> </soap:reason> <soap:detail> <tns:faultdetails xmlns:tns="urn:JadeWebServices/WebServiceZ2/"> <errorcode>1000</errorcode> <erroritem></erroritem> <errortext>Authentication details have not been provided.</errortext> </tns:faultdetails> </soap:detail> </soap:fault> </soap:body> </soap:envelope> '.. Duration: 00:00:00.2343790 

Is it possible that the polling messages could be malformed for 2 connectors but OK for another?

The same exception is occurring for both v4 and v5 Broker connectors talking to the same endpoint.
