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SCIM gateway reports 'No mapping for field 'urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:enterprise:2.0:User:employeeNumber'

I have a SCIM gateway configured in UNIFYConnect and the following error appears every time a SCIM request is received:

Image 6286

There is a mapping for the employeeNumber field, as evidenced here:

Image 6287

I tried recycling, and then deleting and recreating the gateway from scratch but it continues to give me the same outcome.

The UNIFYConnect external address for the gateway is ""

How can I stop this error from appearing and get my config to work correctly?


Disable (delete) SCIM operation errors in UNIFYBroker SCIM gateway

Adrian Corston 3 years ago in UNIFYBroker Service updated by Matthew Davis (Technical Product Manager) 2 years ago 3

I removed a user's application assignment in Azure and it initated a disable (i.e. delete user profile) SCIM operation and reported a successful outcome:

Image 6285

However, the user profile object remained present in UNIFYBroker:

Image 6284

According to the UNIFYBroker logs the request came through as an entity update (I know this from the PowerShell debugging tracewrites shown):

20220428,13:07:42,UNIFYBroker,Logging,Information,Reverse Transform extracted ROLE=[NONE],Normal
20220428,13:07:42,UNIFYBroker,Logging,Information,"[EmployeeGuid, 14de44ec-2322-4c75-b745-cb873341f8e4] [Application, XXXXXXXXX] [Active, False] [UserPrincipalName,] [TicketingID, XXXXXXXXX.14de44ec-2322-4c75-b745-cb873341f8e4] [Role, NONE] [EmployeeName, David Parsonson] [0799C19A00044B368A7D06D9AE23CC07, c36f2c4a-4eb6-46ac-a69c-9565ec327e9e]",Normal
20220428,13:07:42,UNIFYBroker,Connector,Information,"Request to update entity to connector.
Request to update entities [Count:1] to connector Ticketed Application Provisioning.",Normal
20220428,13:07:45,UNIFYBroker,Logging,Information,"PV=(XXXXXXXX) for [EmployeeGuid, 14de44ec-2322-4c75-b745-cb873341f8e4] [Application, XXXXXXX] [Active, False] [UserPrincipalName,] [TicketingID, Marketo.14de44ec-2322-4c75-b745-cb873341f8e4] [Role, NONE] [EmployeeName, David Parsonson] [0799C19A00044B368A7D06D9AE23CC07, c36f2c4a-4eb6-46ac-a69c-9565ec327e9e]",Normal
20220428,13:07:45,UNIFYBroker,Logging,Information,"Saving [XXXXXXX.14de44ec-2322-4c75-b745-cb873341f8e4] [EmployeeGuid, 14de44ec-2322-4c75-b745-cb873341f8e4] [Application, XXXXXXX] [Active, False] [UserPrincipalName,] [TicketingID, XXXXXX.14de44ec-2322-4c75-b745-cb873341f8e4] [Role, NONE] [EmployeeName, David Parsonson] [0799C19A00044B368A7D06D9AE23CC07, c36f2c4a-4eb6-46ac-a69c-9565ec327e9e]",Normal
20220428,13:07:45,UNIFYBroker,Logging,Information,update: init Lines=@{Application=XXXXXXX; Active=True; EmployeeId=; EmployeeName=David Parsonson; Role=Admin;; TicketingID=XXXXXXX.14de44ec-2322-4c75-b745-cb873341f8e4; EmployeeGuid=14de44ec-2322-4c75-b745-cb873341f8e4} @ 1,Normal
20220428,13:07:45,UNIFYBroker,Logging,Information,update: after Lines=@{Application=XXXXXXXX; Active=False; EmployeeId=; EmployeeName=David Parsonson; Role=NONE;; TicketingID=Marketo.14de44ec-2322-4c75-b745-cb873341f8e4; EmployeeGuid=14de44ec-2322-4c75-b745-cb873341f8e4} @ 1,Normal
20220428,13:07:45,UNIFYBroker,Logging,Information,update done,Normal
20220428,13:07:45,UNIFYBroker,Logging,Information,Updated 1 entities in C:\CSV\XXXXXXXX-Users.csv,Normal
20220428,13:07:45,UNIFYBroker,Connector,Information,"Update entities to connector completed.
Update entities 1 to connector Ticketed Application Provisioning reported 1 entities saved, 0 failed. Duration: 00:00:02.9484342",Normal

The UNIFYBroker entity for the user should have been deleted rather than updated.  It looks like UNIFYBroker has missed the "Action: disable" part of the SCIM request from Azure, which is the only indication I can see that the request was to disable/delete the user, rather than update it.

Can you please check that UNIFYBroker work with SCIM disable requests from Azure correctly?

This is high priority for me as I have been asked to deliver SCIM app provisioning functionality (including disable) for the customer to UAT by early next week.



Hi Adrian,

According to the Microsoft documentation, the "Disable" operation is a patch (update) operation on the 'active' schema field:

Based on this, triggering an update on the user is the correct behaviour in this scenario. The delete operation is a separate SCIM action (HTTP DELETE) so to delete the entity record,, that operation would need to be triggered.

Is there some documentation or design pattern you can share, where you're seeing that removing a users application assignment should remove the entity in the consuming SCIM application?


Error during SCIM operation: System.InvalidOperationException: Sequence contains more than one element

I am seeing the above error *sometimes* when attempting to update a user via SCIM.

In every case of the error that I've seen SCIM has been trying to update a single field (Role) which is mapped from Azure's large "appRoleAssignments" XML field value, but I don't actually know if that's relevant or coincidental.

The full stack trace is:

20220428,11:54:05,UNIFYBroker,SCIMGateway,Error,"Error during SCIM operation: System.InvalidOperationException: Sequence contains more than one element
at System.Linq.Enumerable.Single[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source)
at Unify.Product.IdentityBroker.SCIMProvider.Patch(IAdapterEntity adapterEntity, PatchRequest2 patch, ISCIMGatewayMapping mappings, IValueAdapter`2 valueAdapter, IEntitySchema schema)
at Unify.Product.IdentityBroker.SCIMProvider.d__20.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
at Microsoft.SystemForCrossDomainIdentityManagement.ProviderBase.d__45.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
at Microsoft.SystemForCrossDomainIdentityManagement.ProviderAdapterTemplate`1.d__15.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
at Microsoft.SystemForCrossDomainIdentityManagement.ControllerTemplate`1.d__5.MoveNext()",Normal

Here's the Azure provision on demand output that corresponds to the error:

Image 6281

I can't work out why this happens for some user updates, but others go through just fine.  Since I can't packet trace the SCIM protocol in UNIFYConnect environment my ability to debug this is limited, and unfortunately right now I don't really have time to set up a non-UNIFYConnect test environment to debug what's going on.

The backing connector for the SCIM gateway is a PowerShell one, but the error appears to be occurring before it's even called.

I saw for the same error, but I am running the latest of everything so the advice on that ticket (upgrade) didn't help.

Do you have any hints what might be going on to result in that error message?


SCIM gateway doesn't appear to support update with multiple changing attributes

I put through an update from Azure via SCIM which had two attributes changing at the same time, and the following error appeared in the UNIFYBroker log:

20220422,05:36:27,UNIFYBroker,SCIMGateway,Error,"Error during SCIM operation: System.InvalidOperationException: Sequence contains more than one element
at System.Linq.Enumerable.Single[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source)
at Unify.Product.IdentityBroker.SCIMProvider.Patch(IAdapterEntity adapterEntity, PatchRequest2 patch, ISCIMGatewayMapping mappings, IValueAdapter`2 valueAdapter, IEntitySchema schema)
at Unify.Product.IdentityBroker.SCIMProvider.d__20.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
at Microsoft.SystemForCrossDomainIdentityManagement.ProviderBase.d__45.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
at Microsoft.SystemForCrossDomainIdentityManagement.ProviderAdapterTemplate`1.d__15.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
at Microsoft.SystemForCrossDomainIdentityManagement.ControllerTemplate`1.d__5.MoveNext()",Normal

Here is the corresponding update from the Azure side:

Image 6280

As a possible complication for this ticket, the user involved previously didn't have a value for their employeeNumber field (which is a required/key field of the underlying connector) and that caused this error:

20220422,05:34:08,UNIFYBroker,An exception has occured in the AdapterEntityChangeDetectorCollator. Please see the exception for details,Error,"Npgsql:
System.InvalidOperationException: Parameter 'key1value0' must have its value set
at Npgsql.NpgsqlParameter.ResolveHandler(ConnectorTypeMapper typeMapper)
at Npgsql.NpgsqlParameter.Bind(ConnectorTypeMapper typeMapper)
at Npgsql.NpgsqlCommand.ValidateParameters()
at Npgsql.NpgsqlCommand.d__100.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
at Npgsql.NpgsqlCommand.d__92.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
at Npgsql.NpgsqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery()
at Unify.Product.IdentityBroker.MultiKeyValueQueryExecutor`2.PopulateTempTable(NpgsqlConnection connection, NpgsqlTransaction transaction, IDictionary`2 tempKeyLookup, ValueToObjectAdapter adapter, IEnumerable`1 multiKeyValues, String tempTableName)
at Unify.Product.IdentityBroker.MultiKeyValueQueryExecutor`2.Execute(NpgsqlConnection connection, ValueToObjectAdapter adapter, Guid partitionId, IEnumerable`1 multiKeyValues, String tempTableName, String entityValueFieldName, String entityTableName, String partitionIdName, Func`2 readData)
at Unify.Product.IdentityBroker.KnownEntityPartitionPostgreSqlUpdatableContextBase`3.GetEntities(Guid partitionId, IEnumerable`1 keys)
at Unify.Product.IdentityBroker.EntityRepositoryExtensions.<>c__DisplayClass1_0.b__0(MultiKeyValue`1[] multiKeyValues)
at Unify.Product.IdentityBroker.EntityRepositoryExtensions.ConvertConnectorEntities(IEnumerable`1 connectorEntities, IMultiKey`1 schemaKey, Func`2 retrieveEntities, Guid connectorId, IEnumerable`1 wellKnownEntities)
at Unify.Product.IdentityBroker.EntityRepositoryExtensions.ConvertConnectorEntities(IEnumerable`1 connectorEntities, IMultiKey`1 schemaKey, IKnownEntityContextBase`3 context, Guid connectorId, IEnumerable`1 wellKnownEntities)
at Unify.Product.IdentityBroker.EntityChangeDetector.ProcessConnectorChangedEntities(Guid connectorId, IEnumerable`1 connectorEntities, IEnumerable`1 wellKnownItems)
at Unify.Product.IdentityBroker.AdapterEntityChangeDetectorCollator.DetectChanges(KeyValuePair`2 connectorEntities)
at Unify.Framework.Visitor.<>c__DisplayClass0_0`1.b__0(T item, Int32 index)
at Unify.Framework.Visitor.Visit[T](IEnumerable`1 visitCollection, Action`2 visitor)
at Unify.Product.IdentityBroker.AdapterEntityChangeDetectorCollator.Run()
at Unify.Framework.AsynchronousJobExecutor.PerformJobCallback(Object state)",Normal

Could you please investigate and fix the update error, and also consider improving the behaviour when a connector's required field is missing in a SCIM update?

For the purposes of my demo next week I can make sure this 'bad data' doesn't occur, and so the only dependency for this is SIT/UAT meaning that it's a medium priority.


SCIM user update not working in UNIFYConnect

I have a SCIM gateway configured in UNIFYConnect and Azure is able to use it to Add users just fine, but when it attempts an update this error is shown:

Image 6276

There's nothing written into the UNIFYBroker log when this happens.

Could you please investigate and advise how to make updates work?

Not a bug

Segment order in adapter multi-segment DN appears to be random

Adrian Corston 3 years ago in UNIFYBroker Service updated by Matthew Davis (Technical Product Manager) 3 years ago 3

The strangest thing ever... For this adapter:

Image 6250

When I generate changes to update the DNs (used to be DN=@IdBID), I see DNs assigned with different segment orders like this:

Image 6251

The two digit CN is DepartmentID.  The date CN is StartDate.  The four digit CN is PositionID.  The three letter CN is LocationID.  The six digit CN is EmployeeID.

I tried clearing precalculated entities and re-running Generate Changes, but the same thing happens with the newly generated entities - the segments are always in the same (wrong) order for each entity.

This is happening in a non-Production environment, and the DN segment order for each entity appears to be persistent, so this is a very minor (but very strange) issue.


Hi Adrian,

The order should be consistent for the values provided. The order of the components only appears random for your implementation because you're using the same AttributeType identifier for your RDN sequence. 

When the DN is built for an object, MultiPart components are first ordered by the AttributeType (CN, OU, UID etc) and then by the AttributeValue. In your case this means only the value is being taken into account because the type is the same for all parts of the Multi-part RDN. 

In line with the LDAP RFC's (2253, 4514) a multi part RDN is not required to be in any particular order. While I'm not sure on the exact specifics of why we don't respect the order provided in the template, I suspect it relates to comparing DNs and allowing a consistent string representation. 

If it's causing a problem I can investigate options for fixing or allowing a fixed order but would need to dig further into the implications. 


Customer's HR adapter has two entities for every connector entity

Adrian Corston 3 years ago in UNIFYBroker Service updated by Matthew Davis (Technical Product Manager) 3 years ago 2

My customer's adapter has two entities for every every connector entity.  I am not aware of what might have caused this, other than the service outage that was resolved yesterday (unresponsive UI and no data was flowing through the system).

Could you please advise what caused there to be two adapter entities for each connector entity?


Due to a service outage issue yesterday, the system Changes table was cleared. This table tracks pending changes to Adapter entities. 

Based on an investigation by myself and Adrian, it appears that a few days ago there were some connector imports which returned 0 entities, which would have resulted in connector entities being deleted (and subsequently re-created when the next import returned entities). This would have resulted in some 'deletion' changes appearing in the change table, but not being processed due to the change backlog. By virtue of clearing the changes table, those deletions never happened - which resulted in duplicates being added to the adapter. 

To resolve this issue, Adrian is going to clear and repopulate the adapter. It's also recommended to use the connector deletion threshold to avoid this issue, although understanding that a deletion threshold being reached will result in an import being aborted and should be monitored for continual threshold triggers (as this will stop data flow).

If delete thresholds being breached is a regular problem, another way around this is to use the connector primary key as the DN field for the adapter. This would require testing, but should result in adapter entities being joined to rather than reprovisioned as their primary identifier won't change if the connector is cleared and reimported.

Closing ticket as root cause has been found - feel free to re-open if further information or investigation is required.

Not a bug

SCIM user cannot be retrieved immediately after creation, so their manager isn't set

Azure's SCIM implementation when creating a user who has a manager follows this approach:

1. Create the new SCIM user (without the manager reference)
2. Make sure the new user has been created
3. Update the new user's manager field

It seems the reason for this approach is because Azure wants to create all the users first, before it tries to add references to them via the manager field (which makes sense from a referential integrity perspective).

However, when using the UNIFYBroker SCIM gateway, step 2 is failing and Azure can't find the newly created user.  Azure first tries to get the new user object by ID, and then by username lookup, but neither works.  See the attached packet trace "SCIM User with manager creation.pcapng" for details.  The connector/adapter entity created has the same entity ID that was returned to Azure (9a9978e0-6179-42b5-8218-2173d7b6c0e5 in the packet trace) and the username field set correctly (

A later attempt by Azure to look up that entity by username (package trace "SCIM User lookup.pcapng") is successful (that lookup was followed by a PATCH which failed, but that is due to a different issue so please ignore that part of the trace).

SCIM User with manager creation.pcapng
SCIM User lookup.pcapng

This github ticket has information about the Azure SCIM pattern for setting manager: (comment from asmalser-msft)


SCIM gateway: department/manager not working, extra attributes wanted

Hi guys,

I am using the SCIM gateway in v5.3.2 and the department and manager attributes don't appear to work (i.e. the values sent by SCIM are not populated into the UNIFYBroker adapter fields).

Image 6234

Here's my configuration in Azure:

Image 6235

It seems possible that the problem might be related to the fact those two attributes are extension attributes and not part of the SCIM core user schema:

As a separate request could you please add support for the givenName and familyName core user attributes?


SCIM gateway returns 401 Unauthorized HTTP status

I am setting up a SCIM gateway in UNIFYBroker, and it is returning a 401 (Unauthorized) error.

I have checked the Bearer token in the request header matches the Audience configuration in UNIFYBroker.

Do you have any suggestions what might be going wrong?

Obviously once this is working I will change the secret token shown above.