Identity Broker Forum

Welcome to the community forum for Identity Broker.

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Named Pipes requirement

Daniel Walters 5 years ago updated by Beau Harrison (Senior Product Software Engineer) 5 years ago 6

At a customer site there's a problem with the IDB Requirement for Name Pipes protocol in SQL. Named Pipes doesn't support some of the High Availability stuff they're doing and they're also critical of Named Pipes being a 2008 technology that has been superseded by TCP/IP. They want to at least turn named pipes off after installation. Is this supported? IdB seems to be functioning with Named Pipes turned off post installation.

Not a bug

UNIFYAssure-Aurion-Sample install reports that field names are reserved after restart

Adrian Corston 5 years ago updated by Matthew Davis (Technical Product Manager) 5 years ago 8

I just restarted my Broker instance (to try to clear a Link baseline sync that appeared unwilling to stop) and now I see this error in the dashboard.  My install is a UNIFYAssure-Aurion-Sample with few changes other than a 'Request Schema' from AD and addition of a handful of other fields in Links and Lockers.

Image 5209

What should I do about it?


Hey Adrian,

Thanks for the suggestion. At this time, after some discussion we've concluded that it would potentially confuse people more if the connector schema was to automatically un-tick the box next to fields reserved by the LDAP specification.

The reason for this, is that it's perfectly acceptable to have these fields in the connector schema, and they will only be an issue when subsequently exposed on the adapter. However, it is a normal use case for a connector to not be exposed to an adapter directly; rather to be joined and aggregated on an existing adapter. In this case, the reserved field names would not be exposed down to the gateway so wouldn't cause any problems.


Documentation of supported Date and Timestamp field values in Broker CSV files

Adrian Corston 5 years ago updated by Matthew Davis (Technical Product Manager) 5 years ago 4

Could you please document the supported and recommended Date and Timestamp field values that can be used in Broker CSV connector data files?

Beau says he normally uses yyyy'-'MM'-'dd'T'HH':'mm':'ss'Z' (e.g. "2019-06-01T12:34:56Z").


Thanks Adrian. I've added it to our backlog to improve the documentation based on the above comments.


Voice doesn't have a category for tickets that apply to the Broker base product

Adrian Corston 5 years ago updated by Beau Harrison (Senior Product Software Engineer) 5 years ago 2

Voice doesn't have a category for tickets that apply to the Broker base product.  There are numerous options for agents and other things, but seemingly none for the Broker base product itself... unless that's what UNIFYCore is?

There also isn't a category for reporting bugs in Voice.

Image 5194

Image 5195


Hi Adrian, since this Broker forum there is not need for a Broker subcategory. Uncategorized is where you should post.


Adapter edit UI displays 'System.MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'Void Unify.Connect.Web.Client.AdapterClient..ctor(System.String)'' error in Broker

Adrian Corston 5 years ago updated by Matthew Davis (Technical Product Manager) 5 years ago 5

When I attempt to access an Adapter in the web UI in Broker the following error screen appears.  This happens for all existing Adapters, and as the last step when creating a new Adapter (which is written to the Extensibility config file just fine).  The Agents, Connectors and other UI screens work just fine.  I am using IIS on the same server as the Broker Service is installed, and Plus and a number of other agents are also installed (see below for details).  The Extensibility files are based on a fresh install of all Broker packages.

Image 5191

The text is:


System.MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'Void Unify.Connect.Web.Client.AdapterClient..ctor(System.String)'.
at Unify.Connect.Web.PlusControllerBase.get_AdapterClient()
at Unify.Connect.Web.LockerControllerFactory.<CreateComponent>b__0_0(HtmlHelper html, AdapterDetailsProviderInformation info)
at Unify.Connect.Web.AdapterDetailsProvider.WriteAll(HtmlHelper helper, AdapterDetailsProviderInformation adapterDetails)
at ASP._Page_Views_Adapter_AdapterDetails_cshtml.Execute() in c:\Program Files\UNIFY Solutions\Identity Broker\Web\Views\Adapter\AdapterDetails.cshtml:line 152
at System.Web.WebPages.WebPageBase.ExecutePageHierarchy()
at System.Web.Mvc.WebViewPage.ExecutePageHierarchy()
at System.Web.WebPages.StartPage.ExecutePageHierarchy()
at System.Web.WebPages.WebPageBase.ExecutePageHierarchy(WebPageContext pageContext, TextWriter writer, WebPageRenderingBase startPage)
at System.Web.Mvc.ViewResultBase.ExecuteResult(ControllerContext context)
at System.Web.Mvc.ControllerActionInvoker.InvokeActionResultFilterRecursive(IList`1 filters, Int32 filterIndex, ResultExecutingContext preContext, ControllerContext controllerContext, ActionResult actionResult)
at System.Web.Mvc.ControllerActionInvoker.InvokeActionResultFilterRecursive(IList`1 filters, Int32 filterIndex, ResultExecutingContext preContext, ControllerContext controllerContext, ActionResult actionResult)
at System.Web.Mvc.ControllerActionInvoker.InvokeActionResultWithFilters(ControllerContext controllerContext, IList`1 filters, ActionResult actionResult)
at System.Web.Mvc.Async.AsyncControllerActionInvoker.<>c__DisplayClass1e.<BeginInvokeAction>b__1b(IAsyncResult asyncResult)

The error refers to line 152 of c:\Program Files\UNIFY Solutions\Identity Broker\Web\Views\Adapter\AdapterDetails.cshtml which reads as follows:

AdapterDetailsProvider.Instance.WriteAll(Html, adapterDetailsProviderInformation);

Here are details of the install:


v5.3.1 Revision #4
© 2004 - 2018 UNIFY Solutions Pty. Ltd.

Plug-in Version Details

Plugin KeyVersion
Microsoft Active Directory5.3.0.0
Aurion API connector5.3.0.0
Sync Changes5.3.0.2
Plus Change Tracking5.3.0.2
Link Statistics5.3.0.2
Locker Statistics5.3.0.2

Here is a snapshot of the folder containing the file reported in the error:

Image 5192

Here are the Adapter Extensibility file entries that were created successfully:

Image 5193

Please let me know if there is any more information that you require.


Azure ISOs Refresh

Todd Turner 5 years ago updated by Adam van Vliet 5 years ago 5

Hi all,

Sorry for the slightly odd place to log this, it seemed the least incorrect.  I'm attempting to obtain the Chris21 ISOs but the links appear to have expired.  The page I am attempting to grab these from is:

Adam van Vliet 5 years ago

We try to avoid things of our laptops because it can't be controlled by UNIFY. It also means we can't capture and reuse stuff if it makes sense. If you are running out (which from the discussion you could avoid by being careful with which resources you're using), you can always arrange more with your manager.


AD Connector, Request Schema doesn't work

Daniel Walters 5 years ago updated by Matthew Davis (Technical Product Manager) 5 years ago 3

Using these versions

Image 5158

I just created an AD Agent and then created a connector, gave it a name and set the Object Container

Image 5159

and as soon as the created Connector comes up, it has an error "This connector requires at least one key".

Image 5160

I hit request schema and get this error:

Image 5161

I added sAMAccountName as a the key and required and the error "This connector requires at least one key" goes away but when I request the schema I still get the above, "Value cannot be null. Parameter name: key"


Fresh install IdB, IdB for AD, IdB Plus: Errors on startup

Daniel Walters 5 years ago updated by Matthew Davis (Technical Product Manager) 5 years ago 6

I've just created a fresh VM and installed IdB 5.3 then IdB for AD then IdB Plus. When I started the service and navigated to localhost:8008 I got an error telling me to turn custom errors off. I did that and got the following. I haven't tried anything to resolve it yet, just thought this might be a bug.

Method not found: 'Void Unify.Framework.ExtensibilityPlugInDictionary`4..ctor(System.IO.DirectoryInfo, System.String, Unify.Framework.IUnifyBranding)'.

Exception Details: System.MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'Void Unify.Framework.ExtensibilityPlugInDictionary`4..ctor(System.IO.DirectoryInfo, System.String, Unify.Framework.IUnifyBranding)'.

Image 5154

Image 5155


Error retrieving certificate for ldap configuration

Daniel Walters 5 years ago updated by Adam van Vliet 5 years ago 3

I'm getting this error on the IdB homepage

Image 5145

What does this mean? There's no certificate settings in the Settings tab 

Image 5146

Adam van Vliet 5 years ago

Using the conditions that are configured (none), it has found 3 certificates. If you want to have it select one of those certificates you'll have to configure some conditions that uniquely identifies the one that you're after.