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ILM2 option on xMA export does not work

Bob Bradley 13 years ago in UNIFYBroker/Microsoft Identity Manager updated by anonymous 9 years ago 3

After deploying UNIFY Identity Broker for Microsoft FIM v3.0.0 (x86).msi from and completing my IdB 3.0.6 DEEWR configuration, I was ready to create an instance of the IdB FIM xMA ...

After installing using the default options, I found that:

(b) Exported the "ILM xMA" file ... using the IdB Management studio my first choice was to select the third ILM 2 option (since this is the name that FIM was originally known). This was a mistake because the MA config pointed to a Unify.Adapters.* dll which I could not locate on the server. Figuring that the PDF and naming conventions were focused on ILM2007 FP1, I re-exported using this option and found this generated an MA config which referenced the same DLL deployed by this package (Unify.Framework.ILM2007FP1Adapter.dll). This means that either (a) there is a DLL which is missing from the install, or (b) the IdB console needs to be changed to remove the third option, or (c) the generated xMA is using the wrong DLL.

I believe we should actually retain the third option but rename it to FIM 2010 ... even if it generates a file of the same format as ILM2007 ... as it is going to confuse otherwise. If so the PDF file needs to be updated to accommodate all (3?) supported versions (maybe we need to lose MIIS SP2?).

This work may well have been earmarked for future attention, but I couldn't find anything in JIRA about this already.