MIM Event Broker Forum

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Event Broker support for multiple FIM instances on different domains

Bob Bradley 13 years ago updated by anonymous 9 years ago 5

I would appreciate it if someone from the PG could respond to the latest question on this thread please. This could be another valuable selling point ... but besides that, I'm wondering myself whether or not this is possible based on my understanding of WMI and the connection configuration supported by EvB 3.0. I have a suspicion you'd need a domain trust ... no?


Event Broker: Stop retrys when the run profile is stopped by the UI

Peter Wass 13 years ago updated by anonymous 9 years ago 2

When the user stops the run profile (i.e. trying to do something in the FIM UI), the retries kick off and relaunch it. This occurs even if the EB scheduler has been paused, sometimes making it a long process to stop EB and allow access to modify the system.

Can you please stop the retries when the run profile is stopped by the UI. Also allow the retries to be bypassed if the scheduler is stopped.



Configure Logging in Event Broker

Matthew Woolnough 12 years ago updated by anonymous 9 years ago 1

Would like to be able to configure Event Broker to be able to utilize Windows Event Logs. By Default would like Warning and Above to be logged to Event logs.


How do I configure the Clear Run Hist to not preserve any logs?

Matthew Woolnough 12 years ago updated by anonymous 9 years ago 1

See title


File changes - hash file

Adam van Vliet 12 years ago updated by anonymous 9 years ago 1

From PRDGRP:2013-05-14 - Roadmap discussion it was discussed that the file changes operation could be improved.

Sometimes the time the file changed is not powerful enough, for example:

  • The file is rewritten, but no changes are made;
  • The file is touched, but not changed.

It could be improved by hashing the file.



Please verify EB .NET Framework Requirement

Nigel Jones 13 years ago updated by anonymous 9 years ago 2

I am completing the FIM specs for an install and all FIM software requirements need .NET 3.5 (or 3.5.1) (well the install guide says .NET 3.0 for servers other than the Sync server)

Question - I see that EB V3.0 requires .NET 4.0 which means collocated on a FIM Server will require .NET 4.0

Please confirm



Weekly FS with EB

Nigel Jones 13 years ago updated by anonymous 9 years ago 4

I can see the best practice of running regular FS on say a weekly basis

I assume that I apply FI/FS ONLY for FIM, then other MA's in my preferred order

Becasue I already have a 00:00:30 scheduled check operations for all the MA's then they will take care of any resulting exports/imports/sync's



EB exclusion for DB bcakups

Nigel Jones 13 years ago updated by anonymous 9 years ago 2

Bob - I am excluding FIM MA exports in the EB exclusions as discussed so that writes to the FIM Service DB do not cause WS errors as observed. Should I also exclude FIM Sync Import/Sync from other sources as they would write to the FIM Sync DB ..


Event Broker AgentEnginePluginKey.extensibility changes not persisting

Bob Bradley 12 years ago updated by anonymous 9 years ago 4

Event Broker extensibility files deployed from the DEV lab have been updated with TEST environment references, but only the changes to the OperationEnginePluginKey extensibility file is persisting. I initially thought this was just error on my part, or a crashed service or something, but I had noticed that after the last reboot I had to re-enter the agent details. I have done this 3 times now I think, and it is only by chance that I can see right now that the timestamp on this filedate is still showing 30/7/2012 when it should be today's date.
I have checked and UAC is not turned on for this server. I have not seen this problem on any other environment so far, but the thing that is unusual (for me) about this deployment is that it is the only one I've seen installed without the IIS option.


Can you clarify please

Nigel Jones 13 years ago updated by anonymous 9 years ago 4

EB doco says ……..It should also be noted that there are valid cases where it is useful not to have a schedule on an operation list. This includes
lists which should only ever be manually triggered from Event Broker, and also those that are only ever triggered by the Event
Broker Changes Activity.

Isn’t it the schedule that decides “how often ” the changes detection runs

If so what is the para in the doco saying ?