MIM Event Broker Forum

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Will an operation list which doesn't run due to not meeting "check changes" generate any log data?

Tom Parker 6 years ago updated by Adam van Vliet 6 years ago 4

V3.2.0 Rev 1

I was doing a test with this and it doesn't appear to be the case. If not, this might be a good idea to implement as it can lead to some confusion.

Adam van Vliet 6 years ago
It does, but under Verbose. It was far too noisy otherwise, with a lot of implementation running the check every few seconds, which really adds up over a number of operations lists. Do you have any thoughts on the right balance of logging vs noise? Thanks.
Not a bug

Operation lists running simultaneously despite being declared in exclusion groups

Sean Little 6 years ago updated by Adam van Vliet 6 years ago 1

We are seeing evidence at a client site that operations that should be blocked by an exclusion group are being run at the same time. For client privacy reasons, will provide screenshots via private comment describing the group and showing the clash.

We've done an analysis of the UNIFYNow (Version 3.2.0) schedule and don't see other operation lists that could be triggering the runs we're seeing in MIM but we can make the config file available on request.

Adam van Vliet 6 years ago
This operation list is a member of this group. If there are no priority members, it will block all other members from executing while it is running. If there are prioritymembers, the operation list will not block other members of the group while it is running.
Not a bug

UNIFYNow doesn't handle changed MIM Run Profile names

Adrian Corston 6 years ago updated by Adam van Vliet 6 years ago 5

In UNIFYNow, I had an operation which invoked an existing MIM Run Profile.  In MIM, I renamed that Run Profile.  Back in UNIFYNow, the old Run Profile name remained and the new name did not appear.  I tried Refresh MA on the MIM Sync agent, no luck.  I tried restarting UNIFYNow followed by another Refresh MA on the MIM Sync agent, no luck.  I ran iisreset on the server running UNIFYNow Web, no luck.

The Operation Lists which invoked the renamed MIM Run Profile is now failing, with the following error in the logs:

Image 5046

Please note that the Run Profile GUID is unchanged - the only thing I did was change the name of the Run Profile in MIM.

How can I get UNIFYNow to acknowledge and use the changed Run Profile name?

Adam van Vliet 6 years ago

Hi Adrian,

Please upgrade to the latest version of UNIFYNow, v4.0.4. There were some issues surrounding MA update tracking that were resolved in that release.

Under review

Queue on Blocked didn't run the blocked operation in a timely fashion

Adrian Corston 6 years ago updated by Adam van Vliet 6 years ago 8

I have two Operation Lists configured as shown:

Operation List "Incoming":
- Run Profile operation (a delta import)
- Calls Operation List "Sync"

Operation List "Sync":
- Run Profile operation (a delta sync)

Operation List "Sync" is in an exclusion group with various other operation lists that perform Sync run profiles.

When one of the other Sync operation lists are running and Operation List "Incoming" is run, the first operation (Run Profile operation (a delta import)) completes, but since Operation List "Sync" is in an exclusion group, it does not run (which is as expected).

However, I have configured Operation List "Sync" with the "Queue on Blocked" flag, so I'm expecting that it should run soon after the other Sync operation list completes.  However, it does not appear to do so in a timely manner, if at all (I only waited a few minutes).

The desired outcome here is that I can avoid having to put all my "Incoming" operation lists in an exclusion group.  I only want to exclude parallel sync operations - it's fine if delta import operations run in parallel.

Can you please advise how I can get the desired outcome to work?


Is the UNIFYBroker agent the correct agent to use for very recent versions of UNIFYBroker?

Tom Parker 6 years ago updated by Beau Harrison (Senior Product Software Engineer) 6 years ago 2

Hi all,

Based on the issue I had recently that Beau ended up talking me through, is the UNIFYBroker agent actually the correct agent to use for very recent releases of UNIFYBroker?

The issue that I was having when trying to configure UNIFYNow I wasn't seeing the UNIFYBroker runs appear until I replaced the UNIFYNow agent with a Rest API agent.

Under review

Enhanced control over execution of operation lists in Exclusion Groups

Adrian Corston 6 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 2

1/ Priority control flag

According to the documentation, UNIFYNow Exclusion Groups, Priority operation lists execute immediately, even if Normal operation lists are currently running:

PriorityWhen this operation list runs, it prevents other priority and normal members from running. If a priority member begins execution when a normal member is running, it will not be blocked.

(emphasis added)

Could you please add a flag to the group configuration to control this behaviour, so that the group can be configured to block Priority operation list execution until any currently-running Normal operation list completes.

This would be much more useful in a MIM environment than the current default behaviour.

2/ Multiple priority levels

Could you please add a numeric priority to each member of an Exclusion Group, to allow more refined control over operation list execution scheduling.  At any time, the scheduler would select the operation list with the highest priority to execute next.

The "Priority control flag" is desirable in this situation, to control whether or not higher priority operation lists run concurrently or wait for lower priority operation lists to complete first.


UNIFYNow exclusion group documentation clarification

Adrian Corston 6 years ago updated by Adam van Vliet 6 years ago 1

On https://voice.unifysolutions.net/knowledge-bases/8/articles/2712-operation-list-groups in the Notes section at the bottom it reads:

"It is recommended that large synchronization operations are set up as priority members, with smaller delta operations that will be affected as normal members"

Since MIM 2016 (and possibly earlier, I'm not sure) Microsoft has explicitly deprecated running two synchronisation steps in the sync engine at the same time, and executing a second synchronisation step (while another is already running) will now always fail with a error.

With that in mind, configuring an operation lists with a Full Sync as a priority member in an exclusion group, and an operation list with a Delta Sync as a normal member - as suggested - will allow UNIFYNow to attempt to execute the two sync steps concurrently, which will be result in an error in MIM.

Consequently, I suggest that the example should be updated to not recommend this configuration.

Also, as a minor point that paragraph should refer to "operation lists" rather than "operations", as groups apply to the former, not the latter.

Adam van Vliet 6 years ago

Good catch, thank you. I've updated the page.


Severity, Timestamp and Module filters in the Log viewer

Adrian Corston 6 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 1
In the log viewer, the Search facility should have an "Advanced" option which allows for the selection of a Timestamp range, Severity value (or values - via checkboxes) and a Module value (free-form text field).

Although the search box allows for some searches, there is currently no way to search for a string (e.g. Operation List name) and then further filter those results to only show entries of a specific Severity (for example).

See also my topic regarding the addition of an "Operation List" field - that should also be independently searchable in the same manner.
Adam van Vliet 6 years ago

Being a CSV makes it difficult to add new functionality to the log viewer. Our recommendation (and the way all of our managed services operate) is to use UNIFYMonitor (or OMS for non-support customers).


Go To Page option for logs

Adrian Corston 6 years ago updated by Adam van Vliet 6 years ago 1
The navigation section of the Logs page allows navigation to the first page, last page, and pages near to the one I'm currently on, but there is no way to rapidly go to a numbered specific numbered page, or to quickly perform non-sequential access through the log pages.  A "Go To Page" box would permit this activity.
Adam van Vliet 6 years ago

Our recommendation (and the way all of our managed services operate) is to use UNIFYMonitor (or OMS for non-support customers).


Refresh button on the Logs page

Adrian Corston 6 years ago updated by Adam van Vliet 6 years ago 1
When I am looking at an incomplete page of log entries, sometimes I want to reload that page to see additional entries that have been written since it was loaded.  There needs to be a "refresh" button to do this.  Using the browser reload button always takes me back to the first page of logs, which is not what is needed.
Adam van Vliet 6 years ago

This is currently in UNIFYBroker and will make it to UNIFYNow in the next major release due to the shared framework.