
Limit the number of operation lists that appear on the Home\Index page

Adam van Vliet 14 years ago updated by anonymous 9 years ago 5

The number of operation lists that appear on the Home\Index page should be limited.

Order by the next run date and display all of the running lists. If that does not equal a certain number (10?) display as many more as needed.

Please confirm.


Adam has done this. Assigned to Patrick to confirm

Tony, I created 11 operation lists and all of them are displayed on the home page, despite the limit specified in code being 10. Can you see if you can recreate this, and if so reassign to me.

The home page - alongside currently running operation lists, also displays operation lists that are about to run (Time to run < 1 minute). Is this the desired behaviour?

Yes, that's fine - in that case it behaves as expected.