Identity Broker Forum

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Baseline & Sync Procedure for IdB Chris21 LITE

Michael Smith 7 years ago in UNIFYBroker/Plus updated by anonymous 7 years ago 1

When wanting to synchronize IdB Chris21 LITE with and out of sync AD, I am running the following two items:

1. AD Baseline

2. AD Syncronize

Before I run the above tasks, should Chris21 and/or AD Realtime Change Processing be disabled?

UNIFY Identity Broker Management Studio v0.0.5 Revision


 * MS AD

 * Chris 21 Connector

anonymous 7 years ago

No, the tasks are blocking on each other.


Create Agents for Connector within Connector interface

Michael Smith 7 years ago in UNIFYBroker/Plus updated by anonymous 7 years ago 3

I think IdB would be easier to use if when a configuration object was required but did not exist the user could easily create one without loosing their current object entries.

A good example is how the new Azure Portal works... if you need to create an object that requires another object to be created first; when the option appears to choose the second object you always have the option to make a new object (which if significant configuration is needed brings you to a new sub-screen and back to the original when completed).

The general idea is that users usually start off with a goal in mind and start down that track ("I need a connector!") and along the way they discover detail ("Oh, I also need an Agent, dam it!"); and ensuring the product permits that kind of thinking makes the product far more natural (and so easier) to use.

Unfortunately I don't know enough about web gui's to know how this can be easily accomplished. :/

anonymous 7 years ago

Thanks for the feedback, Michael.

In the particular case of case of creating a connector with no available agents, the UI does direct you to create an agent, however it doesn't direct you back to the connector afterwards.

This would be quite difficult to implement currently, but we are planning an overhaul to the UI in an upcoming release, so I will add this to the list of desirable workflows that it should support.


Duplicate Key Calculating target to source look up

Tom Parker 7 years ago in UNIFYBroker/Plus updated by anonymous 5 years ago 9

Hi, I'm seeing this error when doing a baseline sync from a locker to AD.

This solution has previously had "An item with the same key has already been added." errors but I'm not sure what this error means.

Image 4424

Unify.Framework.UnifyDataException: Duplicate key calculating target to source id lookup: 138db3b0-4197-4bee-bd1a-010830bebd1d
   at Unify.Product.Plus.DeprovisioningExecutor`2.TargetIdToSourceIdLookupKeyClash(Guid key, Guid value, IConnection original)
   at Unify.Framework.Collections.EnumerableExtensions.ToDictionaryWithKeyClashError[TKey,TValue,TOriginal](IEnumerable`1 originalEnumerable, Func`2 keySelector, Func`2 valueSelector, Action`3 duplicateAction)
   at Unify.Product.Plus.DeprovisioningExecutor`2.Execute(IEnumerable`1 page)
   at System.Linq.Enumerable.WhereSelectEnumerableIterator`2.MoveNext()
   at System.Linq.Buffer`1..ctor(IEnumerable`1 source)
   at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToArray[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source)
   at Unify.Product.Plus.AdapterToLockerProvisioner.Execute(Func`3 generateAndMapTarget, IDictionary`2 changesDict)
   at Unify.Product.Plus.LinkSynchronizer`2.JoinAndMap(IEnumerable`1 filterResult, IDictionary`2 changesDict)
   at Unify.Product.Plus.Link.SynchronizeChanges[TSourceEntity,TTargetEntity](IEnumerable`1 changes, IEnumerable`1 syncTasks, Func`1 getTargetContextAccessor, IConnectionsContext connectionContext, ISynchronizationHelper`2 helper, IProvisioner`2 provisioner)
   at Unify.Product.Plus.Link.SynchronizeAdapterChanges(IEnumerable`1 changes)
   at Unify.Product.Plus.LinkNotifierDecorator.<>c__DisplayClass42_0.<SynchronizeAdapterChanges>b__0()
   at Unify.Framework.Notification.NotifierDecoratorBase.Notify[TResult](ITaskNotificationFactory notificationFactory, Func`1 function)
   at Unify.Product.Plus.LinkNotifierDecorator.SynchronizeAdapterChanges(IEnumerable`1 changes)
   at Unify.Product.Plus.LinkAuditingDecorator.SynchronizeAdapterChanges(IEnumerable`1 changes)
   at Unify.Product.Plus.AdapterToLockerSynchronizationJob.RunBase()
   at Unify.Product.Plus.SynchronizationJobExecutor.<ThreadAction>d__8.MoveNext()",Normal

Curtis Lusmore 6 years ago

This issue is most commonly caused by "broken" connections - connections between locker entities and adapter entities where the adapter entity has since been deleted, and the connection wasn't properly deleted.

You can find such entities with a SQL query like

FROM [Connections] [c]
LEFT JOIN [Entity] [e] ON [c].[AdapterEntityId] = [e].[EntityId]
WHERE [e].[EntityId] IS NULL
AND [c].[LinkId] = 'your-link-id'

Deleting any connections identified by that with the following query should resolve the issue.

FROM [Connections]
WHERE [ConnectionsKey] IN (
    SELECT [ConnectionsKey]
    FROM [Connections] [c]
    LEFT JOIN [Entity] [e] ON [c].[AdapterEntityId] = [e].[EntityId]
    WHERE [e].[EntityId] IS NULL
    AND [c].[LinkId] = 'your-link-id'

Alternatively, clearing the adapter context and re-generating the entities should clear up the connections.

We will need to investigate the cause of the broken connections.


Does Identity Broker PLUS v5.1.0 store previous Locker states?

Tom Parker 7 years ago in UNIFYBroker/Plus updated by anonymous 7 years ago 1

I was able to find the change log for adapters and I was able to find the source log for lockers, but I couldn't find the change log for lockers (containing previous states of entities in lockers). Does one exist, and if so where would it be?


anonymous 7 years ago

No, as there was no requirement to be able to query it directly. See for details on how to keep track of this information (among other changes).


What is the expected behaviour of 2 unset priority datasources?

Tom Parker 7 years ago in UNIFYBroker/Plus updated by anonymous 7 years ago 1

According to, data sources with unset priority are considered lowest priority.

Based on that, what is the expected behavior of an attribute in an adapter which has only 2 data sources, both of which are unset priority?

Image 4390

In this example, Person is a locker and Active Directory Person is a bidirectional link between the active directory adapter (the screen this screenshot was taken from) and the Person locker.

In the case of the attribute being changed in the source system and coming into the adapter through the connector: will it override what's already in there from person, or will it thrown away and have the data from the Person locker push back out to the connector?


anonymous 7 years ago

Hi Tom,

In cases where both the existing value and the new value in an update are both from un-prioritised sources, the newest value (the update) is taken - last write wins.


IdBPlus Projects with Exchange Provisioning

Daniel Walters 7 years ago in UNIFYBroker/Plus updated by anonymous 7 years ago 1

Does anyone know of any projects that used IdBPlus and configured Exchange Provisioning? My initial investigation suggests it's more complicated than a simple enable-mailbox -identity x in a post-provisioning task.

anonymous 7 years ago

The base script that I'd recommend starting with and adapting is as follows. It can be run unlimited times without duplication as it checks for users in AD that haven't been enabled. This particular script uses the default Exchange rules for mailbox name, but can be adapted by changing the arguments supplied to the Enable-Mailbox command:

# STEP 1
#   The first step involves securing the password to Exchange.
#   The following command should be run in a PowerShell console, changing the out-file to the desired location:
#     read-host -assecurestring | convertfrom-securestring | out-file C:\securestring.txt
#   Enter the password to Exchange. A file should be written to the desired location.
#   If a permission error was shown, try running the script as administrator, or select a new location.
# STEP 2
#   Configure the following settings:
#     ExchangeServer - Configure the URL to the PowerShell virtual directory on the Exchange machine.
#     AdminAccount   - The name of the account being used to connect to the Exchange machine.
#     SearchBase     - The deepest container that holds all items being managed.
#     Filter         - The LDAP filter to select items that have not been mail enabled. This will probably not need to be updated.
#     Password       - The file path should be updated to the file created in STEP 1.
$ExchangeServer = http://exchange/PowerShell/
$AdminAccount = "DOMAIN\Administrator"
$SearchBase = "OU=RootContainer,DC=organization"
$Filter = "(&(objectCategory=user)(objectClass=user)(!msExchHomeServerName=*))"
$Password = cat C:\securestring.txt | convertto-securestring
$UserCredential =  New-Object -Typename System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -Argumentlist $AdminAccount,$Password
$Session = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri $ExchangeServer -Authentication Kerberos -Credential $UserCredential
Import-PSSession $Session
Add-Type -Assembly Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
$users = get-aduser -LDAPFilter $Filter -searchbase $SearchBase -searchscope "Subtree"
if ($users -ne $null) 
    foreach ($user in $users)
        Enable-Mailbox $user.SamAccountName | Set-Mailbox -SingleItemRecoveryEnabled $true
Remove-PSSession -session $Session

Sync Schedule in IdBPlus. Polls Adapter or Connector?

Daniel Walters 7 years ago in UNIFYBroker/Plus updated by anonymous 7 years ago 1

When you set a Sync Schedule in IdBPlus does the schedule define how often it checks the adapter for changes or does it override the connector schedule?

anonymous 7 years ago

Hi Daniel,

They relate to how often it checks for changes in adapters. The basic process is as follows:

  1. Connector import (manual or scheduled)
  2. Change detection process detects changed connector entities
    1. Entries created in changes register to indicate connector entities which have changed
  3. Reflection runs (scheduled every few seconds), processes changed connector entities and updates adapter entities
    1. Entries created in sync changes register to indicate adapter entities which have changed
  4. Synchronization runs (manual or scheduled), processes changed adapter entities and updates locker entities

Questions around IdB plus solution - Chris21 to AD & Exchange

Daniel Walters 7 years ago in UNIFYBroker/Plus updated by anonymous 7 years ago 2

Do we have schemas for the Chris21 forms somewhere?

Does IdB plus have a concept of initial flow only? For password

For provisioning mailboxes via IdB plus, would I just write a PowerShell script in the post-provisioning step? Does post-provisioning only run on creation or also on synchronisation?

How does syncing the manager attribute to AD in IdB Plus work? Do I generate a DN in the transformation and flow that or is there something special with reference attributes especially to do with the order of provisioning (manager not provisioned/joined yet but a reference is flowed)?

What triggers a synchronisation on a specific user? Because in Chris21 the manager is in a position and if the person filling that position changes it will need to update the manager attribute on all users whose manager just changed.

I'm also not sure where DN calculation should take place since it needs to be ensured unique. Do I have access to the entities in a pre-provisioning script like I have in a PowerShell adapter transformation so that I can check for uniqueness then set it back to the entity and have that flow out on provision? Same for sAMAccountName.

anonymous 7 years ago
Do we have schemas for the Chris21 forms somewhere?

Yes, it's one of our most widely used connectors, check out any of the other projects or fire up a demo machine.

Does IdB plus have a concept of initial flow only? For password

Yes, for connectors that support password sync they often have a concept of an initial password script.

For provisioning mailboxes via IdB plus, would I just write a PowerShell script in the post-provisioning step? Does post-provisioning only run on creation or also on synchronisation?

How does syncing the manager attribute to AD in IdB Plus work? Do I generate a DN in the transformation and flow that or is there something special with reference attributes especially to do with the order of provisioning (manager not provisioned/joined yet but a reference is flowed)?

This has been done before, check out another solution.

What triggers a synchronisation on a specific user? Because in Chris21 the manager is in a position and if the person filling that position changes it will need to update the manager attribute on all users whose manager just changed.

I'm also not sure where DN calculation should take place since it needs to be ensured unique. Do I have access to the entities in a pre-provisioning script like I have in a PowerShell adapter transformation so that I can check for uniqueness then set it back to the entity and have that flow out on provision? Same for sAMAccountName.