MIM Event Broker Forum
Welcome to the community forum for MIM Event Broker.
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No pending alerts formatting in IE8
The pending alerts message format looks strange in IE8. See attached screenshot. This is from the latest build, dated 28/06/11 5:06pm
Pending Alert Message Format.png
Incorrect display of friendly next run incorrect on failed operation execution
The current status / FriendlyNextRun displayed against an operation list, after an operation has failed will be incorrect.
For example:
Create a powershell module Example.ps1 with the contents of:
New-Item C:\abcdefg.txt -type file
- Execute this operation once so that the file exists.
- Maintain the default retry count and wait time on the operation.
- Execute the operation, and go to the home page.
- After around 15-20 seconds the friendly next run will read '- Running (2 of 1)'
Edit operation architecture for saving of arbitrary information
It will be useful to save information about operations that is not essential to their execution, but can be used for diagnostics and/or suggestions. The operation architecture should be extended to allow for the collection of information such as:
- Execution time of operations, for calculating averages or suggesting extensions
- Additional information required by/for plugin operations
- Operation list overlap for diagnostics
Estimate includes investigation of current setup, examining plugins where additional information may be required, further development, and testing.
eDir Changes Event Broker Plugin
Event Broker presently cannot detect changes in eDir, and a new plugin is required soon due to an increase in the number of Novell sites looking to migrate to ILM - such as the JPM Chase lead presently being followed up by PT. I understand that the eDir ODBC driver is supposed to be able to read the change log, but our resident Novell experts may be able to provide details on the best approach to use. With the spotlight on Event Broker now (especially with the advent of ILM2), it is important that we are able to add to the change detection plugin collection so as to maximise sales opportunities. I think eDir is at the top of the pile, but other candidates include the following:
. IBM Universe/DB2 (Cath Ed!)
. Exchange 5.5 (Cath Ed)
. Sun (QDETA)
. ???
Check Operation Retry Wait Time Input is a Textbox instead of Time Dropdowns
In the EB Management Studio, the "Retry wait time" field in the configuration of the "Check Operation" for an operation uses a standard textbox instead of the usual selection of dropdowns menus for selecting a time. See the "Repeat every..."'s "Frequency" field for reference.
EB FIM agent failing with "Invalid namespace"
A fresh installation of EB 3.0.0. SQL is local with only the Default instance. The customer has installed EB using the FIM Sync service account which is a local administrator and a member of the FIMSyncAdmins group. We also have the same config in Dev which worked fine.
The FIM Agent fails with "Invalid namespace". I search jira for this message but couldn't find anything. Do you know what it means?
Note: customer wants to test update to 3.2.0 on this server which is why we've installed an older version.
Customer reported one MA not running
Customer reported the Cisco ADLDS MA was not running even though Event Broker reported all fine.
After watching it I could see that it was running in exact sync with another EB operation, both belonging to the same exclusion group. The other operation always seemed to take precedence.
I have gone through and added different numbers of seconds to the schedules.
Creating a Schedule for "Don not run on the selected days..." issue
The issue is that through the below sequence of action a Schedule cannot be created.
1 - Create an Operation List and leave it in disabled state.
2 - Add a Schedule with the following settings
- Select "Do not run on the selected days..."
- In the Days To Exclude - select all the 7 days
- Click the "Create" button.
The follow error result: Every single day has been included as an exlusion period.
Let's say I changed my mind and decided not to use the "Do not run on the selected days..."
3 - Deselected the "Do not run on the selected days..."
4 - Click "Create" button
No Schedule is created and the same page for creating Schedule is presented. I cannot create any Schedule.
The cause of this issue is because the error with Every single day has been included as an exlusion period. is not resolved. Even-though the option is not longer selected the error is still being evaluated and halt the creation process. This is made mysterious because once the "Do not run on the selected days..." is not selected it collapse the display and thus the error is no longer visible.
Event Broker does not retain state of scheduler on service restart
From DEEWR-33:
Operational problems are caused by the present behaviour whereby the Event Broker scheduler ALWAYS starts when the Event Broker service is restarted (either explicitly or on a server reboot). This has caused a number of problems over the past week, and we are being forced to disable the Event Broker service while performing some FIM data reload scenarios. This is a usability issue ... and more of a problem in a production/migration scenario than say in DEV.
The following page should be deleted following completion of this issue:
EB31:Issues with FIM Event Broker Scheduler starting following a service restart
The StoredValues collection persists the details of previous check operations
The storedvalues collection currently persists the details of previous check operations. This becomes a problem in the following scenario:
1) An AD Changes check operation checks against an existing AD instance and retrieves a highest uSNChanged of 1000.
2) The agent of the AD Changes check operation is then changed, to point to a completely separate AD instance
3) Changes will not be registered with this new AD Changes operation configuration until an operation the highest uSNChanged of the target AD instance is >1000.
The storedValues details of an operation list with a check operation will need to be reset/modified when either the agent of its check operation is changed, or its check operation is deleted/replaced.
Customer support service by UserEcho