
"Last" button on the Logs page

Adrian Corston 6 years ago updated by Adam van Vliet 6 years ago 1
When reviewing logs (especially on busy systems) it is very difficult to immediately navigate to the most recent log entries.  A "Last" button is needed to offer this functionality - and it should always be active, even when the user is already on the "last" page because there may be more log entries since that determination was made.

As an example:
* Click on "Logs" and the first page of logs appears
* Click on (for example) "174" to go to the (current) last page of logs
* A few minutes later after some more entries have been written to the log, if I want to see those entries I have to click on "173" (to reload the counter and find out what the new "last page" is)
* I now see that there are 176 pages of logs, so I click on "176" to go to the last page
* Ideally, there should just be a "Last" button on every page to simplify this process



Our recommendation (and the way all of our managed services operate) is to use UNIFYMonitor (or OMS for non-support customers).


This issue (and others I reported) significantly impact the quality and usability of the product.  I appreciate that it may be difficult to implement, but I think it is very important that they be put on the timeline for implementation regardless.

Regarding UNIFYMonitor - it is not a realtime service and so does not meet this requirement in a practical manner.
Satisfaction mark by Adrian Corston 6 years ago

Our recommendation (and the way all of our managed services operate) is to use UNIFYMonitor (or OMS for non-support customers).