MIM Event Broker Forum
Welcome to the community forum for MIM Event Broker.
Browse the knowledge base, ask questions directly to the product group, or leverage the community to get answers. Leave ideas for new features and vote for the features or bug fixes you want most.
Default retry settings
The default value settings for retries need to be reviewed and changed to optimise service performance ... e.g. the default retries for ANY export run profile operation (where the outgoing pending check operation is used) should be zero, since the outgoing pending criteria check will occur again anyway, and retry logic will only clog up the processing queue. Similarly for most inbound operations ... in fact very rarely do we want retries to occur at all. Maybe there are some occasions where we need it, but this is turning out to be mostly redundant.
Merge Existing PowerShell operations into a single PowerShell Script operation
There are currently three Power Shell operations which have not been clearly separated (namely with distinguishable use cases).
These three are the PowerShell Execute, PowerShell Function and PowerShell Script operations.
Merge the PowerShell Execute and Function operations into the Script operation through upgrades.
Ability to add operation lists without needing menu
As requested by Shane Day, it can be annoying having to open the operation list menu to add operations. It could be made easier by having a line or rectangle appear when mouseover any position in the tree and allow the user to add an operation that way.
Implement support for Active Directory notifications
Support for subscribing to Active Directory notifications to eliminate need to poll AD.
Add ability to run operation lists from within operation lists.
This could be achieved as either an Operation, or a step-type on Success/Fail etc.
Site-wide notification for pending alerts
People aren't necessarily always on the home page, it might be worth while having a yellow/red blinking icon up the top right for (new?) alerts in a site-wide context.
Strange ActionRefresh page on the operation list index
The ActionRefresh script on the operation list page is exhibiting some strange behaviour in Chrome. If you select multiple operations, the selection is lost after a few seconds (when the refresh occurs). The Select All button and its text also disappears, and does not function correctly if you are able to quickly select it.
Missing image when using special dropdown type
On forms using our special dropdown type, the following error appears:
The controller for path '/Content/chosen-sprite.png' was not found or does not implement IController.
Ability to move operation about by drag and drop
A great time save for users would be the ability to move operations about in the operation list tree by drag and drop.
Groups index should have select all functionality
As the autoconfiguration engine adds a number of groups to the engine, it can become unwieldy when trying to delete multiple groups at a time. If the index page had similar select all functionality to the Operations index, this would be of great help.
Customer support service by UserEcho