
Portal Workflow scripts reference hard-coded assembly names.

Tony Sheehy 11 years ago updated by anonymous 9 years ago 4

The scripts used to install the FIM Portal workflow maintain hardcoded references to workflow assemblies.

Full assembly version must be specified, FIM will not register the component as an Action for the Workflow otherwise.

Re-running the script will create another activity, this is not validated and results in duplicate activities in FIM.

Next step is to work out if it's possible to remove the activity with a script.

There's no method for deleting activity configs that I can see: (http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff394179.aspx).

The assembly is gac'd, so upgrade installs should work, the only problem is if the assembly name changes.

Resolution for first script would be to ensure that the file version does not change for the workflow outside of major version, in which case upgrade documentation is acceptable.

The steps of which would be to explicitly change the Assembly Name in the Extended Attributes for the Event Broker Changes Activity.

The next step is confirming how to get the Assembly Name for the activity generation scripts.

This issue requires a decision to be defined in EB-578.

Portal assembly will be resolved through bindingRedirection, and the Event Broker assembly will be updated if/when it is updated (major version); at which point the scripts will only work for that version, and a new workflow activity will need to be released.