MIM Event Broker Forum

Welcome to the community forum for MIM Event Broker.

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Create FIM Portal workflow to handle rule changes

Matthew Clark 14 years ago updated by anonymous 9 years ago 8

To overcome the issue of not being able to detect when a full sync is required following a policy/rule change on the FIM portal, a custom workflow is to be created. The workflow will be used to run a baseline operation list in Event Broker in the event a rule change occurs, and a standard delta operation in the event that a data change occurs. The workflow should be attached to the existing workflow which states that Administrators can change rules using the portal.

This involves the creation of further research, design and creation of workflow and UI components, as well as creation of a separate installer.

The UI component contains the configuration for the custom activity in the FIM workflow engine. The activity will be attached to a workflow object which will be invoked by attaching the respective policy to the existing policy defining what occurs following rule and data changes (Admins can change rules).


Enable/disable multiple MAs at once

Matthew Clark 14 years ago updated by anonymous 9 years ago 5

There are instances where a particular operation list needs to be tested, without the interference of global or MA startups/schedules. At present, each must be disabled one at a time before the desired op list can be tested. It would be nice if you were able to select multiple MAs/lists at a time for disabling/enabling


Copy operation list button should appear on the Operation\OperationList page

Adam van Vliet 14 years ago updated by anonymous 9 years ago 2

The operation list copy button should appear on the Operation\OperationList page, along with the other buttons next to the name of the operation list.

Please use appropriate permissions to determine the visibility of the button.



A number of Entities that should otherwise not be able to have multiple instances with the same name can

Tony Sheehy 14 years ago updated by anonymous 9 years ago 6

The following entities can have multiple instances created with the conflicting names:

  • Agents
  • Operation Lists
  • Groups

Identity Broker agent a bit bewildering - which end-points?

Shane Day (Chief Technology Officer) 14 years ago updated by anonymous 9 years ago 5

When creating a Identity Broker agent, you get two rather bewildering "endpoint configuration" text boxes.

Now I know what values should go in there, but most people are not going to have any idea. I note that you get suggested values when you just submit, but a lot of people are going to baulk at this point.

Might it be a good idea to prepopulate with the default values?

Identity Broker Agent Default.png

Manual operation list execution does not feed back if the operation list is disabled

Matthew Clark 14 years ago updated by anonymous 9 years ago 3

Changes made in order to satisfy EB-381 have meant that when manual execution is attempted on an operation list, no error message will appear on the UI. Currently, the UI shields the user from doing this unless the user manually browses to the Execute URL. If this occurs, the UI will not inform the user that the operation list has not actually been executed.


Upgrade Event Broker v3.0.0 to v3.0.1 in-situ removes desktop shortcut

Shane Day (Chief Technology Officer) 13 years ago updated by anonymous 9 years ago 4

In doing a quick check to see if I could upgrade v3.0.0 to v3.0.1 of Event Broker while the service was running (I can - so I've raised EB-437 on behalf of the prospective customer), the installer removed the Start Menu short cut to Management Studio.

Is this by design?


Investigate MA and run profile name handling in migration scenarios

Matthew Clark 13 years ago updated by anonymous 9 years ago 3

As in SSICT-12, investigate the handling of run profile and management agent names in solution migration scenarios.


Popup not removed following click to external link

Adam van Vliet 13 years ago updated by anonymous 9 years ago 1

From PRODUCT-128 (Identity Broker), it was found that in IE8 that clicking a link outside of a popup (menu popup, not a dialog) would stop the popup from hiding. The link would also not be followed.

A fix in Event Broker would fix Identity Broker as it is a shared component.

Determine whether there is an easy way to have the normal functionality work, otherwise fall back to using the fix from IDB-934.


IE7 Log viewer height issue

Tony Sheehy 12 years ago updated by anonymous 9 years ago 2

The height of the log viewer in IE7 is only tall enough for 1.x log entries, this may correspond to a recent change to fix the behaviour in EB-484;

 "sScrollY": "100%",

This change prevented the log viewer from being redrawn incorrectly when text was selected in IE8 and below, and as such is pretty important.