Event Broker - 'Add a next operation' should insert operations mid list
When modifying an Operation Lists list of operations, there are two ways to add a 'next operation'. The first is the 'New Operation' link at the very end of the list, the other is clicking the gear icon and selecting 'Add a next operation'. Both methods result in the next operation being added to the very end of the list.
Intuitively I feel that if you select the gear icon and choose to 'Add a next operation', the operation should be inserted immediatly after the operation corresponding to the gear icon/popup menu.
There would be two benefits to this
a) Adding an operation near the top of a long list would be a lot quicker
b) The logic in my mind is consistent with the 'Add child operation' which adds the child to the selected node. Given the behaviour of adding a child, I think it is fair to assume that adding a next operation would add it after the selected operation, despite this not being the case.
A work around currently is to add the new operation as a 'child' operation and to then perform a 'promote operation'. This has the effect of performing an insert, and I have found it to usually be quicker than adding a next operation and then clicking 'move operation up' numerous times (the fact the page refreshes after each move makes this cumbersome).
This effects both 3.0.X and 3.1.X.
Customer support service by UserEcho
Attached a rather extreme example where an insert is desirable. Even if there are only about 5 or 6 operation I begin to find inserts desirable.
For examination in v3.1.1, if it it's a large change the next minor version may be more appropriate.
Migrated to Visual Studio Online.