MIM Event Broker Forum

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REST API to access Event Broker service methods directly

Bob Bradley 9 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 1

I know this is somewhere on the roadmap, but I thought I'd give you a specific example of how I would like to use this to lookup the Operation List name for a corresponding guid from within a PowerShell script. I know this method exists on the WCF endpoint because it is exposed in the WSDL. However it is not a simple exercise to access this from PowerShell.

For the time being I have a work-around which relies on looking up the Event Broker registry key to determine the extensibility file path, then querying the operations extensibility xml directly. However the limitation here is that this will only work if the script is running locally on the Event Broker service host.

anonymous 8 years ago

Now that this has been proven in Identity Broker we'll look at this for MIM Event Broker.

Not a bug

UNIFYNow Upgrade Failing operation lists afterwards

Daniel Walters 5 years ago updated by Matthew Davis (Technical Product Manager) 5 years ago 5

Just upgraded UNIFYNow ( to after upgrading broker ( to and alot of the UNIFYNow operations lists that are supposed to trigger IDB operations lists are failing all with the same error. 

Image 5473


The field the error message is quoting was removed in v4.0.3. Please check for and remove any old patches, as we discuses in your earlier issue.


Event Broker agent wizard leads to "The server is unwilling to process the request" exception for specific OU

Bob Bradley 9 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 10

When an OU is configured for an AD agent that is NOT the domain root (e.g. "OU=Employees,DC=mim2016,DC=local") we get the following exception when the generated incoming operation list is activated:

Operation faulted: The server is unwilling to process the request. - Please see the log viewer for more details.

This is because the AD Sync Changes check operation uses the full DN for the "Domain" property instead of the DC part only (i.e. "DC=mim2016,DC=local").

To avoid this error the AD sync changes operation needs to extract the DC DN from the full DN supplied.

anonymous 7 years ago

Fixed in 4.0


Event Broker Operation management halts with Blank screen

Shane Day (Chief Technology Officer) 9 years ago updated by anonymous 9 years ago 4
Hi Product Team!
Attempting to delete operations from "/Operation" (Operation Lists Page) is met with a blank screen. The URL redirects to "/Operation/ModifyOperationLists" but the page is blank.
The only way to delete operations via the GUI is to Open the operation from the operations list. Click Actions and Delete from within the Operation. Even attempting to delete the operation this way acts strange.. When attempting to delete from within the operation the "Are you sure" window pops up for a second and automatically submits the deletion without confirmation.
Happy to ellab on this if required.

Item originally from Ryan Crossignham from PRODUCT-389
Image 1Image

Image 2screen2.png - Latest 21/Sep/15 4:47 PM - Ryan Crossingham

Email logger does not support multiple TO email addresses

Bob Bradley 9 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 4

Presently the TO address supports only a single target email address. However this field is multi-valued in the sendmail API and the logger could easily be extended to support this. There is no tooltip on this field so it was not intuitive that this restriction applied - however attempts using "," and ";" delimiters both failed. Work-arounds include setting up multiple loggers, or using a distribution list. However there are times when this would still be handy - especially when d-lists are not easily modified or the requirement is only temproary.

anonymous 8 years ago

Added ability to have logs emailed to multiple addresses. Will be included in the next release.


Incorporate progress bar on executing operations

Bob Bradley 9 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 3

With the release of Ryan Newington's latest Lithnet miis-powershell module it occurred to me that it may be possible in some scenarios (e.g. full imports vs. delta imports) to leverage the progress bar idea for the Event Broker console.

anonymous 7 years ago

To be investigated during UI rewrite.


Preferred DC list for AD agents

Bob Bradley 9 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 10

The native AD MA for the FIM Sync service has long had an optional configuration section for preferred DCs, so that administrators can nominate an ordered list of preferred DCs to connect to for imports/exports. When this is used with Event Broker, especially in forests where there are delays in AD replication between DCs, the result can be that Event Broker detects a change before it is replicated to the DC from which FIM is connecting. This generally results in a missed change.

A feature to configure the AD agent exactly in line with that in the corresponding AD MA is suggested here.


Edit operation return 404 Not Found for /Operation/CreateRunProfileOperationChooseManagementAgentByViewInformation

Adrian Corston 2 years ago updated by Beau Harrison (Senior Product Software Engineer) 2 years ago 3

Image 6493

New UNIFYNow installation with extensibility files copied across from an older server as part of a server migration.  Other parts of the UNIFYNow UI are working fine, such as below.  It seems to be just the /Operation/CreateRunProfileOperationChooseManagementAgentByViewInformation that shows the error.

Both the old and new UNIFYNow installs are v4.0.4

Image 6494

What have I misconfigured or missed?


How to set UNIFYNow security Roles

Adrian Corston 2 years ago updated by Matthew Davis (Technical Product Manager) 1 year ago 2

https://voice.unifysolutions.net/knowledge-bases/8/articles/2717-unifynow-security says "Operations on the UNIFYNow website require the user to be in one of the following four roles: Read, Write, Full, Admin"

How is this done - i.e. how is a user put in a Role?


Morning Adrian,

I believe this should be done through the App Roles feature of an app registration:

Add app roles and get them from a token - Microsoft Entra | Microsoft Learn

I have a feeling that the config on the documentation may be incorrect, it may look more like this:

<add key="AuthorizeSetting" value="OpenId">
<add key="ida:ClientId" value="{ClientId}"></add>
<add key="ida:AADInstance" value="https://login.windows.net/"></add>
<add key="ida:TenantId" value="{TenantId}"></add>
<add key="ida:PostLogoutRedirectUri" value="{PostLogoutRedirectUri}"></add>

Not many people use the auth feature, so it's also possible that Microsoft have changed a few things in how the auth works and issue claims since the feature was built. At a quick glance, we validate the ClientId and Authority (where Authority is the combination of the AADInstance and Tenantid). If you find that it's not working as expected, let us know and we can investigate to see if any changes are needed.

Not a bug

KB5004442—Manage changes for Windows DCOM Server Security Feature Bypass (CVE-2021-26414)

Bob Bradley 3 years ago updated by Matthew Davis (Technical Product Manager) 2 years ago 2

Microsoft server hardening for DCOM and RPC is now underway with the stage 2 (June 14, 2022) of the timeline described in KB5004442—Manage changes for Windows DCOM Server Security Feature Bypass (CVE-2021-26414) (microsoft.com) having just passed.

At least one customer has reported that the Microsoft Security Update has adversely impacted one or more MIM agents, and have sited the above article as how they have identified the root cause.  This customer is now after a patch before stage 3 has elapsed and the stated registry key override setting will no longer work.

There is now a possibility other UNIFYNow customers who have also installed the same security update(s) are going to also run into similar problems in the coming weeks, and as a result there will need to be a patch developed for all such customers.

Between now and March 14 2023, the registry change described in the linked article above will allow business continuity for UNIFYNow customers, while advice on the availability of a patch is pending.



Closing as no further feedback was provided, and the above date has come and gone without any further reports of the issue.
Feel free to re-open the ticket if the issue presents and further details on the behaviour are available.