Pending Sync Change Viewer

The pending sync change viewer allows details of a links pending sync changes to be examined in detail. The pending sync change viewer for both incoming and outgoing sync changes is accessible via either a links details page or the links index page by clicking the pending sync change count links.

Information Displayed

The sync change viewer displays the following information for each sync change:

InformationDescriptionFiltering Options
Change NumberThe incremental identifier of the change.Can be filtered with start and end values, both inclusive. Either can be omitted for filter with no lower or upper limit, respectively. 
Link IdId the link the change is handled by.None, as all changes in a view will always have the same value for this column.
Entity IdEntity id of the source entity which changed and triggered the pending sync change. Can be clicked to view the changed entities details (see below).A specific id can be searched for.
Change TimeTimestamp when the pending sync change was created.Can be filtered with start and end values, both inclusive. Can be input with the time picker widget or manually entered. Either can be omitted for filter with no lower or upper limit, respectively. 
DelayedCounter of how many times a pending sync change has been delayed.Can be filtered with start and end values, both inclusive. Either can be omitted for filter with no lower or upper limit, respectively. 
Changed FieldsThe entity fields which have changed and will be synchronized when the pending sync change is processed. Displays All when all fields have changed, such as with new entities.Provide a comma-separated list to display only changes where all provided values appear in the changed fields list. Changes with All fields changed will be excluded unless the Include All checkbox is checked. 

Changed Entity Viewer

Accessible by clicking on a pending sync changes Entity Id, displays the details of the entity which the pending sync change was created for. Details include pending sync change information, source entity type and id, and source partition id. Also shows the entity field values with changed fields in black text and unchanged values with grey text. Below the entity field values the togglable option is provided which allows unchanged field values (those with grey text) to be hidden for convenience.

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