SAP HCM Read Table Connector


SAP HCM read table connector is a reading connector provided by  UNIFYBroker/SAP HCM.

ALERT: The read table connector is not capable of reading dynamically generated columns from SAP tables.

Technical Requirements

In addition to the requirements listed on prerequisites, the administrator should have a solid understanding of the fields of the target table.


A SAP HCM read table connector encapsulates the table data from the target SAP HCM instance.

Reading Yes
Writing No
Deleting No
Polling No


Fields in a SAP HCM read table connector refer to a fixed set of fields.

There is currently no method to retrieve the names of the fields from the table, as such there is no schema provider for this connector.


SAP HCM Read Table connector maintains the following configuration:

Image 4219

Name Description
Criteria Permits a filter to be applied to the table query.


Name Description
Field name The name of the field the filter will be applied to.
Operator The operator to be applied to the field value and operand.
Field value The value operand of the filter.

Operator value type

Name Description
Equal Apply the equals operation (EQ).
Not equal Apply the not equals operation (NE).
Less than Apply the less than operation (LT).
Greater than Apply the greater than operation (GT).
Less than or equal Apply the less than or equal operation (LE).
Greater than or equal Apply the greater than or equal operation (GE).

Field Value

The following special filter values are available:

Name Description
{now} Uses the current date time and converts it to a string using the default format.
{utcnow} Uses the current date time in UTC and converts it to a string using the default format.
{now:X} Uses the current date time and converts it to a string using the provided format in place of X.
{utcnow:X} Uses the current date time in UTC and converts it to a string using the provided format in place of X.

The format string can be either a Standard Date and Time Format String or a  Custom Date and Time Format String.

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