Not a bug

Multivalue Group tranform didn't update field when source field was updated

Adrian Corston 4 years ago in UNIFYBroker Service updated by Matthew Davis (Technical Product Manager) 4 years ago 6

I have two MV Group transforms in an adapter:

Image 6088

The MemberUPNs field updated correctly, but MemberAzureIDs did not.  There are six values in MemberUPNs, but only two in MemberAzureIDs.  Manual validation confirms that the matching values in the second transform's connector are present and correct.  I do not know what the old value of MemberUPNs was.

I believe the change occurred on 30/6/21 some time in the hour or two prior to 8am, but unfortunately the corresponding log file has already been deleted.


Not a bug

Closing this item as it appears to be a misdiagnosis. Feel free to re-open if the issue surfaces again and presents the same way.

Under review

Hi Adrian,

Are you able to reproduce this issue, either in this environment or a lower one?

Unknown at this stage.

Do you want to look at the database, or can I run a Generate Changes to fix the existing data issue?

Generate changes will only impact future dated changes, so you'll be fine to run that without impacting investigations.

Hi Matt - you're quite right.

I was manually looking for the matching entries in the AD User connector rather than the Azure User one.  It's completely my mistake!

Sorry about that.

Not a bug

Closing this item as it appears to be a misdiagnosis. Feel free to re-open if the issue surfaces again and presents the same way.