
potential implications for v7.5 of chris21

Doug Stevenson 14 years ago in UNIFYBroker/Frontier ichris/chris21 updated by anonymous 9 years ago 5

Both AHG and GCCC have plans to upgrade to chris21 v7.5 in the not too distant future. It appears that in the extensive release notes for that version, it is mentioned that some database tables have been changed. Given the current issues at AHG, they have specifically asked us to confirm whether that upgrade will require changes to the Identity Broker solution.

No, there are no implications as far as product is concerned.

There is the potential that the configuration for a site may require alterations.

I believe the customer would want to know what are the configuration changes that might be required and have it available for them when they performing the upgrade.

I understand that the impact for each customer might be different because of the data and the corresponding forms/files in chris21 can be different.
However, I believe at the minimum we should have document or information regarding any changes that may have impact on IdB Connector and Adapter configuration. So that we can understand and prepare to assist the customer more readily.

Also will we be able to have the upgrade scenario in our lab or dev environment to do the testing and verification?

I imagine we would want to avoid using the customer's environment for such an investigation or exercise, as not all customer may view this in a positive manner.

Shane Lim would like to explore this issue further

Please use our relationship with Frontier to get an answer.

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