Attribute changes don't trigger pending sync changes on a link if they are processed in a powershell task on the link
I have noticed that if a link has a PowerShell task on an outgoing sync task that modifies and sets attributes in the target, then a change flows through to only that attribute modified in the PowerShell task, then the link doesn't pick it up as pending sync change. Only running a baseline sync on the link would trigger the PowerShelltask to change/modify that attribute.
Discussion was had with Matt Davis on the possibility of using the Register-Contribution function on a link for the attributes that are being modified through the PowerShell task to then recognise changes for those entities. However it is unsure whether the Register-Contribution function is available for links or not. As an alternative, the PowerShell script can be used on the adapter in a reverse transform, which triggers on outgoing sync changes from a link to a connector. Then the contributing attributes can be sync as direct mappings in the link.
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