
Could not complete synchronization on link due to a converging join error

Adrian Corston 4 years ago in UNIFYBroker/Plus updated by Matthew Davis (Technical Product Manager) 4 years ago 3

The follow error is appearing in my UNIFYBroker/Plus log.  Could you tell me more about what it means?

Request to sync changes on link failed.
Request to sync changes on link Employees > AD Users (6410cee2-8159-4cc3-89d6-0a3cc3d46fdb) in direction outgoing failed with message Could not complete synchronization on link '6410cee2-8159-4cc3-89d6-0a3cc3d46fdb' due to a converging join error.
First source entity id: cb04dfa0-66e9-46fd-862d-54512e11f2c3
Second source entity id: fb3ee77f-5370-44e7-b1ce-0b01c39c0f88
Offending target entity id: 4ffd33d1-ec16-464d-90cc-ab0fe7d7b93a [Count:6492]. Duration: 00:00:02.2246402
Error details:
System.Exception: Could not complete synchronization on link '6410cee2-8159-4cc3-89d6-0a3cc3d46fdb' due to a converging join error.
First source entity id: cb04dfa0-66e9-46fd-862d-54512e11f2c3
Second source entity id: fb3ee77f-5370-44e7-b1ce-0b01c39c0f88
Offending target entity id: 4ffd33d1-ec16-464d-90cc-ab0fe7d7b93a
at Unify.Product.Plus.LinkSynchronizer`2.JoinAndMap(IEnumerable`1 filterResult, IDictionary`2 changesDict)
at Unify.Product.Plus.Link.SynchronizeChanges[TSourceEntity,TTargetEntity](IEnumerable`1 changes, IEnumerable`1 syncTasks, Func`1 getTargetContextAccessor, IConnectionsContext connectionContext, ISynchronizationHelper`2 helper, IProvisioner`2 provisioner)
at Unify.Product.Plus.Link.SynchronizeAdapterChanges(IEnumerable`1 changes)
at Unify.Product.Plus.LinkNotifierDecorator.<>c__DisplayClass42_0.<SynchronizeAdapterChanges>b__0()
at Unify.Framework.Notification.NotifierDecoratorBase.Notify[TResult](ITaskNotificationFactory notificationFactory, Func`1 function)
at Unify.Product.Plus.LinkNotifierDecorator.SynchronizeAdapterChanges(IEnumerable`1 changes)
at Unify.Product.Plus.LinkAuditingDecorator.SynchronizeAdapterChanges(IEnumerable`1 changes)
at Unify.Product.Plus.AdapterToLockerSynchronizationJob.RunBase()
at Unify.Product.Plus.SynchronizationJobExecutor.<ThreadAction>d__8.MoveNext()



I found the duplicate adapter record - this is indeed a data error so this ticket can be closed.

Thank you!

Satisfaction mark by Adrian Corston 4 years ago
Under review

Hi Adrian,

This error will present when you've got two entities that meet your join criteria and so it's attempting to join both of them to the one target entity. Check the listed entity ID's in the source against your offending target entity and validate against your join criteria.


I found the duplicate adapter record - this is indeed a data error so this ticket can be closed.

Thank you!