
Request to sync changes on link in direction outgoing failed with message Duplicate key calculating target to source id lookup

Adrian Corston 4 years ago in UNIFYBroker/Plus updated by Beau Harrison (Senior Product Software Engineer) 4 years ago 3

Can you tell me what circumstances might cause this error to happen?  I'm not sure where to start investigating.  I can't find any problems with what the solution is doing, just this error that occurs whenever I run a Baseline Sync on one of the links.

Image 5940

Thank you


Under review

Hi Adrian

It looks like a number of of your locker entities have had multiple connections generated for them. Connections are the record Broker keeps that maps adapter entities to locker entities. Normally there is only one per entity pair per link, but it's not impossible for duplicates to be generated if a link is reconfigured.

The quickest way to fix this would be to clear the locker and re-baseline all related links, which deletes any connections associated with the locker entities. The same also applies to adapter entities.

Satisfaction mark by Adrian Corston 4 years ago
Under review

Hi Adrian

It looks like a number of of your locker entities have had multiple connections generated for them. Connections are the record Broker keeps that maps adapter entities to locker entities. Normally there is only one per entity pair per link, but it's not impossible for duplicates to be generated if a link is reconfigured.

The quickest way to fix this would be to clear the locker and re-baseline all related links, which deletes any connections associated with the locker entities. The same also applies to adapter entities.

Thanks Beau, that's cleared it up for me.