
Improved UNIFYBroker/Plus log/UI messages (de/provisioning counts, incompletes, log message grouping)

Adrian Corston 4 years ago in UNIFYBroker/Plus updated by Matthew Davis (Technical Product Manager) 1 week ago 1

UNIFYBroker/Plus would be easier to operate if the following logging and UI messages were added or made more clear:

* A log summary of the count of entities provisioned and deprovisioned by a locker synchronisation (this may already be there, but the terminology is "added" rather than "provisioned" - it would be nice if this was consistent with the UI and clearly delineated as being different to entities "added" to the adapter via reflection)

* An log explanation of the reason(s) why an entity's provision was Incomplete - i.e. which required fields are missing, or whatever else it was that caused it to be Incomplete.

* A way to identify all of the logging messages that are part of the same synchronization operation.  In a busy log file it's hard to see the wood for the trees...

* Not to report un-joined and un-provisioned entities for a linker as Incomplete during Baseline Synchronization.  The configuration clearly doesn't want these entities in the locker - but the yellow (i) box that appears seems to suggests that something may have gone wrong with them.



This has been improved with UNIFYConnect V6.


This has been improved with UNIFYConnect V6.