
Aurion agent proxy settings don't appear to be working

Richard Green 5 years ago in UNIFYBroker/Aurion updated by Matthew Davis (Technical Product Manager) 5 years ago 6

Hi Gents,

Raising this ticket out of a support request from DIIS (Industry). They are looking to transition to a cloud hosted instance of Aurion, and to use a proxy server to provide a bridge between the 2.

However it appears the proxy settings for the Aurion agent are being ignored in communications.

They are on:

  • Identity Broker Service v5.2.1.0
  • Identity Broker for Aurion v5.2.0.1

They have provided the following (santitised) agent configuration:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>



<agent name="Aurion" id="9cd4a7d7-2852-40d5-afc4-089102472dc7" type="Unify.Agent.Aurion" description="


<communicator credentialsoptions="None" uri="https://api.aurion.cloud/{instance_name_removed}/production/servlet/services/ev397_aurion_ws?wsdl" ignorecertificateerrorslevel="Default" preauthenticate="false" usedefaulttimeout="false" timeout="PT55M" proxyoptions="Custom" proxyuri="http://{ PROXYIP}:8080/" proxycredentialsoptions="Default">


I've spoken with Matt, and apparently there is a known issue with version 5.2 and a fix which addresses this issue. (Not currently available on Voice).



Closing due to no response. If the patch hasn't fixed the issue, please feel free to re-open the ticket. 

Under review

Hi Richard,

There's a few DLL files in the zip here. Can you try applying those to the Broker instance as per the normal patching process to see whether it resolves the problem?


Hey Matt,

I notice the file versions for the Unify.Framework.Communicator files in that zip are 

Are they going to load on 5.2.01? I've had issues with file versions before :)

Broker 5.2 uses Framework 5.3, so they should load fine.

Hi Richard,

Do you know if the customer has had a chance to test this one yet?

Hey Richard - have you had a chance to verify this one yet?


Closing due to no response. If the patch hasn't fixed the issue, please feel free to re-open the ticket.