
Identity Broker for FIM v4

Daniel Walters 6 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 4

Hi Is there documentation for version 4 somewhere? I'm trying to create an MA that connects to Identity Broker v4.1.4. I've installed installed Identity Broker for FIM  v4 and put the .dll it copies into the extensions folder of FIM but I don't know what to do next since the v5 doco using an ecma 2 connector. I thought that in v4, going to the adapter settings you could generate an xMA from there but the option doesn't appear to be there. How do I create an Identity Broker MA?

Image 5069



Not specifically versioned documentation. The intention is that the documentation is "evergreen" and that new concepts are incorporated into the documentation and concepts that are deprecated received their own page. This was to resolve issues people had navigating the more complex structure that was required to maintain multiple versions of documentation and also remove the issues caused by having to maintain multiple versions.



Not specifically versioned documentation. The intention is that the documentation is "evergreen" and that new concepts are incorporated into the documentation and concepts that are deprecated received their own page. This was to resolve issues people had navigating the more complex structure that was required to maintain multiple versions of documentation and also remove the issues caused by having to maintain multiple versions.


Thanks I found that page and the version button. But I don't have a generate xMA option on my adapter. Is there something I may have done wrong to not get that option for version 4.1.4 Revision #2?

Yes, if the install wasn't to the correct path on the Identity Broker machine it won't work. There should be a new dll in the Services directory following the installation (in addition the the MA dll that is copied over).

I had to restart the service after the install... thanks.