
Generate a String Multi Value attribute from a String single value attribute

Anthony Soquin 6 years ago updated by Bob Bradley 6 years ago 4


Version IDB 5.0.3

Can the "Merge Collections Transformation" be used to generate a multivalue string adapter element from a single value connector attribute, and if not, how can this be achieved?




It doesn't appear to (from the code) - it generates an adapter field from the first selected field (which would be a single valued field). It should be pretty easy to confirm, e.g. CSV connector.

Alternatively either upgrade to v5.1+ (https://voice.unifysolutions.net/knowledge-bases/7/articles/3058-unifybroker-release-notes) and to use the PowerShell transformation. Or write an import flow rule in the identity management platform of choice.

If you believe this is a scenario that would be of benefit to have included in the product, please raise a feature request. It would be helpful to also know the use case that you're trying to solve.



It doesn't appear to (from the code) - it generates an adapter field from the first selected field (which would be a single valued field). It should be pretty easy to confirm, e.g. CSV connector.

Alternatively either upgrade to v5.1+ (https://voice.unifysolutions.net/knowledge-bases/7/articles/3058-unifybroker-release-notes) and to use the PowerShell transformation. Or write an import flow rule in the identity management platform of choice.

If you believe this is a scenario that would be of benefit to have included in the product, please raise a feature request. It would be helpful to also know the use case that you're trying to solve.


Hi Adam - in regards to the last bit, I'm working with Anthony and we're trying to work around an issue where the source data was declared as single-value but was expected to be multi-value in the design.  We've built the MIM schema and downstream system schema with a multi-value attribute, and we want to import the single value data into MIM without changing the design - for future proofing (we believe they could change their mind again and need a multi-value source).

Our options are to upgrade or use a single=>multi-value MIM flow rule for now x3 connectors ... probably the easiest option.  The alternative (which we were looking for) of isolating the issue to the IdB layer looks to be stymied with this version of IdB ... we could upgrade but have a lot of regression testing to do if that's the case (many connectors).  Now is the time to do the upgrade if the reason is compelling ... what is the least risk upgrade version please, since I understand that in 5.3 there were some significant changes which may adversely impact our solution build?


Nothing that comes to mind. There's a change to the data access layer to allow for PostgreSql, but that shouldn't impact you.



We decided to upgrade to 5.1 to minimise project risk and access the PS adapter transform - this allowed us to solve our problem, so all looking good so far thanks.