
Add support for Web Services Option

Adam van Vliet 11 years ago in UNIFYBroker/Frontier ichris/chris21 updated by anonymous 9 years ago 15

Add support for Web Services Option. See INTIDBCHRS:Web Services Option for details, along with SDK attached to INTIDBCHRS:v7.7 Documentation.

Marked as Unassigned

Based on the documentation this issue should be feasible. However this will need to be confirmed but testing the web service interface. I will use a simple console test-harness to test this before we go any further.

Frontier Chris21 web service option in installed on and the service reference can be created from using this endpoint:
Now we need to evaluate this interface to determine that it does what the documentation says.

We have a working console app that is using the web service. Now the design implications of using both a HttpCommunicator and WebServiceCommunicator in the Chris21 connector based on a single option. This may be tricky...
For later reference: https://unifysolutions.jira.com/wiki/display/INTIDBCHRS/Connector+Implementation

Completed implementing IChris21Communicator and classes. Looks ok for now but just need to feed the communicator type from the UI via a specialised IChirs21CommunicatorInformation interface that can handle both IHttpCommunicatorInformation and IWebServiceCommunicatorInformation

Completed first pass at the implementation without testing the code. Testing of UI is the next task, then testing the connection to the Chris21 web service...

Web service and Http post working for the agent configuration test function. Need to test some general Frontier chris21 use cases before we can say that we have a fully functional connector with a web service option.

Regarding use cases, the induction might be a good starting point.

Code clean up performed and tested, The connector is ready for review, integration testing and release.

The new design contains several new classes and interfaces that wrap the messaging and information/agent classes to allow selecting a HttpCommunicator or a WebServiceCommunicator.
Tested against a Frontier chris21 instance on PRDGRP-test3.

Hi Brian Cotterall, thanks for that. Does testing include making sure the old method hasn't been broken?

I tested both web service and http options, reading entities and writing/deleting entities from Chris21. I also tested polling.

As discussed, check what format the WS uri is in. For the UI field description I've added it as http://localhost/Instance/service/FTRWebService.asmx. It'll need to be changed if that's not what each component represents.

I'll check the installation and If you are ok I'll update the documentation, This will include the v4.1 upgrade documentation that was previously missed.

I fixed up the connector (it wasn't able to run) and did a cleanup.