
Chris21 Filter field converts {DATETODAY} to date in UI only

Matthew Woolnough 12 years ago in UNIFYBroker/Frontier ichris/chris21 updated by anonymous 9 years ago 7

Placed Filter

posend:GE:{DATETODAY}:or, posend:EQ:

into filter.
XML shows correct settings, but UI converts


into current date.

eg today this shows:

posend:GE:2013-03-07:or, posend:EQ:

Matthew, what client is this for?

Issue Identified at Tatts.

Does the connector engine configuration xml retain the correct setting when saved with



xml has correct setting, but UI is incorrectly displays the setting as the current date.

The UI is using the same xml components as the service. The service requires the


tag to be turned into the current date, but the UI shouldn't do this.

Marked as Unassigned