
Aurion ESS account Template

Carol Wapshere 7 years ago in UNIFYBroker/Aurion updated by anonymous 7 years ago 1

I have been asked to find out if the Aurion connector supports specifying a "template" at the point of creating the ESS account. Apparently this will mean that MailType and other options are set according to the template. I know I can set these attributes directly, and this is what I intend to do, but the customer would like to continue to use her template if possible - only if specifying a template is supported by sec_user_add of course.



There is no TEMPLATE field for the SEC_USER_ADD function. Have a look at the CopyFromUserId field (COPY_FROM_USER_ID) to see if it meets your requirements.


There is no TEMPLATE field for the SEC_USER_ADD function. Have a look at the CopyFromUserId field (COPY_FROM_USER_ID) to see if it meets your requirements.