
Data Transformation on fetching previous position end date

Jerry Natarajan 8 years ago in UNIFYBroker/Frontier ichris/chris21 updated by anonymous 7 years ago 4


I am trying to do a data transformation in Chris 21 person Adapter in IdB 4.1

Connector: Ch21 Placement connector

join criteria: detnumber

What I want to achieve:

select top 1 posenddate from all positions held(sort on desc) where end date is NOT null(which will be current position, so we don't want that)

is there a way to do this OOTB in IdB 4.1?



The current set of join transformation options will all pick the open transformation, with the only way to select the previous being to change the offset of the window - which is not quite what you're after. In v5.1 you would be able to write the logic yourself using the PowerShell transformation. I believe your options are:

  • Use your solution logic to do the selection;
  • Update to v5.1 and use the PowerShell transformation;
  • Write an extended transformation using code (not recommended as it's not trivial).
Satisfaction mark by Jerry Natarajan 7 years ago

The current set of join transformation options will all pick the open transformation, with the only way to select the previous being to change the offset of the window - which is not quite what you're after. In v5.1 you would be able to write the logic yourself using the PowerShell transformation. I believe your options are:

  • Use your solution logic to do the selection;
  • Update to v5.1 and use the PowerShell transformation;
  • Write an extended transformation using code (not recommended as it's not trivial).

Thanks Adam for the options, I will take this to client and see how it goes.

This can be closed. Customer went with other options