
Aurion connector page size

Eddie Kirkman 9 years ago in UNIFYBroker/Aurion updated by anonymous 9 years ago 1

My Aurion connector to a DEV system has some dirty data in in (duplicate employeeID) and so fails while retrieving the second page of 1000 users. Where is that page size configured? I cannot see anything in the Agent or Connector (through GUI or in XML) but would like to reduce the size so I get more users before we hit the failure



It's not a connector (or Aurion) concept. It's a built-in starting point for paging through the records (and performing change detection on them). The number auto-scales up or down depending on how quickly it performed change detection on the previous page.

From memory, the Aurion query tool can be configured to limit the number of results that are returned.


Thanks. The customer is dealing with the underlying problem (duplicate accounts).

Satisfaction mark by Eddie Kirkman 9 years ago

It's not a connector (or Aurion) concept. It's a built-in starting point for paging through the records (and performing change detection on them). The number auto-scales up or down depending on how quickly it performed change detection on the previous page.

From memory, the Aurion query tool can be configured to limit the number of results that are returned.