
Distinguished Name Generator using key in dn instead of input value

Matthew Woolnough 9 years ago in UNIFYBroker/Aurion updated by anonymous 9 years ago 3

DN being generated inlcudes the users own key, instead of managers:

CN=00069,OU=AurionPerson,DC=Identity Broker

instead of:

CN=00203,OU=AurionPerson,DC=Identity Broker

I expect the Input value to become the key, as it's no longer selectable in the dropdown attribute list. How do I configure this so that the SupervisorWAMI is in the DN?


* SupervisorWAMI: 00203

* Key: 00069


* Input: SupervisorWAMI

* target: SupervisorDN

* Single Valued: Checked

* Skip Missing: Checked

* DN Template:

- Adapter: Aurion Person

- CN = @Key



Hi Matt,

You should be able to configure the DN template as CN = [SupervisorWAMI].


Hi Matt,

You should be able to configure the DN template as CN = [SupervisorWAMI].

It does appear to work if I type the attribute name in manually, but the attribute does not appear in the drop down. all the rest of the attributes are there from what I can tell.

Hi Matt,

Interesting that it doesn't appear. I can't reproduce this behaviour. Could you please zip and attach your Extensibility directory (there's an Insert File button in the ribbon while commenting)?