
Clarification of Identity Broker for chris21 behaviours

Shane Lim 14 years ago in UNIFYBroker/Frontier ichris/chris21 updated by anonymous 9 years ago 2

The customers have to the following questions which I am not enough understanding of Identity Broker for chris21 and chris21 system to simlulate a termination of a user. I will attempt to provide my answer below. Please assist in clarifying or answering these questions if possible.

I've found that the Connector Delta Import process doesn't seem to pick up termination changes. When I do a Full Import the change comes through.

The steps I have followed are:

1. Terminate user in Chris21
2. Perform 'Synchronise Import' on the connectors
3. Run the Chris21 MA Delta Import process

The Synch stats show that there are no changes that have been picked up.
If I perform a Full Import using the Chris21 MA I still have no changes.

Shane Lim - I understanding is the "Synchronise Import" on the Termination Connector to bring in the delta change into the Termination connector table. This delta change would then be processed/transformed into the Adapter table. When the user perform the "Delta Import" in FIM chris21 MA the delta change in the Adapter table would flow in FIM chris21 MA.
Having said this I have not done this scenario before since I have no knowledge how to terminate a user in chris21.

If I complete a full import on all the connectors, then a delta import using the Chris21 MA I have the update I expect. Is this the correct behaviour? I had expected that performing a Synch Import would pick up such a change, or am I mistaken?

Shane Lim I expect the "Synchronise Import" in Unify Management Studion followed by the "Delta Import" in FIM chris21 MA to pick up the delta change.

The other question is, out of curiosity, when I terminate someone, should I be able to just import from the Termination connector seeing as the only change that was made to Chris21 is the addition of a termination record? Currently this doesn't work, I get the same GTR error we were getting last week. I have to first import from Person, then the Termination connector.

Shane Lim I expect that each Identity Connector be able to perform the "Synchronise Import" independently.
PS: Cabrini Health fundamentally using the same Identity Broker for chris21 Connector and Adapter configuration files and they have not report experiencing the same behaviour here.

Something else I have noticed is that for the Metaverse to be updated by the change made to AD to disable the account for the terminated employee, I have to perform a Full Import using the ADDS MA and then a Delta Sync. Again, I had expected that a delta import should do the job, but, I may be mistaken?

Could you please clarify this for me as perhaps i'm misunderstanding when we need to perform a Full Import versus a Delta Import. I thought we really only needed to perform a Full Import when we are populating the Metaverse and the Connected Spaces for the first time. After that I thought Delta's should give us any changes made but that doesn't seem to be the case. I am running through multiple cycles as you recommended so I can ensure the data change flows through all the different steps properly.

Shane Lim
My understanding and expectation is that a "Full Import" in the Unify Management Studio and in the "Full Import" in the FIM chris21 MA is not necessary after the initial "Full Import" is completed. But then we do have the schedule in the Identity Broker for chris21 Connector configuration for performing getAllEntities.
Thus now I am no certain what the expected behaviour.

Please assist.

The following steps are performed:
1 - Changed the terdate in chris21 user (from a non-terminated to terminated state, that is change the terdate to early date than today).
Also verified that running cbr="aeilst" does contains the delta change entry for EMTER.
2 - Performed "Synchronise Import" on the Termination connector. Connector Entity Search on Termination Connector, the entity for this user has the updated terdate correctly.
3 - Performed Adapter Entity Search, , the entity for this user has the updated terdate correctly and the terminated attribute is True which is correct.
4 - Performed "Delta Import" on FIM chris21 MA result in no update.

I have discussed this behaviour with Rodney (his computer is broken down), he recalled something similar to this was observed before but not certain whether it was a bug and now fixed or not.

Rodney recommend that someone elese from the Product Team would be able to answer this query better.

Please break into manageable issues. The number of questions here is untrackable, and are not against appropriate projects.

If I complete a full import on all the connectors, then a delta import using the Chris21 MA I have the update I expect. Is this the correct behaviour? I had expected that performing a Synch Import would pick up such a change, or am I mistaken?

Belongs in chris21 project.

Something else I have noticed is that for the Metaverse to be updated by the change made to AD to disable the account for the terminated employee, I have to perform a Full Import using the ADDS MA and then a Delta Sync. Again, I had expected that a delta import should do the job, but, I may be mistaken?

Could you please clarify this for me as perhaps i'm misunderstanding when we need to perform a Full Import versus a Delta Import. I thought we really only needed to perform a Full Import when we are populating the Metaverse and the Connected Spaces for the first time. After that I thought Delta's should give us any changes made but that doesn't seem to be the case. I am running through multiple cycles as you recommended so I can ensure the data change flows through all the different steps properly.

Totally unrealted to Identity Broker for chris21. Please ask this question in FIM, or register it as support against AHG.