
How to terminate or deactivate a user in Aurion system

Shane Lim 14 years ago in UNIFYBroker/Aurion updated by anonymous 9 years ago 25

I need to be able to test Codeless Framework configuration for enabling and disabling of user account in AD based on the Aurion termination status.

Would you be able to provide me details on how to terminate or deactivate and unterminate (re-active) a user in Aurion system v10.01.02.04.

I have tried reading the Aurion online help but failed achieve the above.

Thank you

The main webpage of Aurion 10 should have a "termination" dialog down the bottom left. Schedule a termination for an earlier-than-the-current date and process it, and they should move from active to terminated. I've never done the reverse-process, but I imagine it's as simple as finding the new person and just giving them a new employment record.

You may have problems processing a termination as there are certain requirements (like the date on which they are to be terminated) in Aurion 10 that make this difficult - unfortunately, I can't be any more specific than I have been here as all the instructions are on the Canberra wiki which is currently unavailable.

Thanks Patrick.

I will try this out and update once I can switch environment.

Hi Patrick,
I followed the following instructions based on the Aurion Help:

Add a Scheduled Termination

This procedure assumes that you have the Terminations list displayed.

Click New at the top of the Terminations list. The Termination Details page is displayed in update mode.
Enter or select the Employee Number of the required employee in the Employee field.
Enter or select the termination date in the Termination field
Select a termination reason from the Reason dropdown list field and enter any comments regarding this record in the Comments field
Click  . Changes are saved to the Aurion database and the new record is displayed in the Terminations list.

This procedure assumes that you have the Terminations list displayed.

Click New at the top of the Terminations list. The Termination Details page is displayed in update mode.
Enter or select the Employee Number of the required employee in the Employee field.
Enter or select the termination date in the Termination field
Select a termination reason from the Reason dropdown list field and enter any comments regarding this record in the Comments field
Click  . Changes are saved to the Aurion database and the new record is displayed in the Terminations list.

Delete a Scheduled Termination

This procedure assumes that you have the Terminations list displayed.

Click on the record in the Termination list that you wish to delete. The selected record is displayed on the Termination Details page.
Click Delete at the top of the Termination Details page. The Termination Details page is displayed in update mode.
Click  . The record is deleted from the Aurion database.

Modify a Scheduled Termination

This procedure assumes that you have the Terminations list displayed.

Click on the record in the Terminations list that you wish to modify. The selected record is displayed on the Termination Details page.
Click Modify at the top of the Termination Details page. The Termination Details page is displayed in update mode.
Make the required changes.
Click  . Changes are saved to the Aurion database

I have not been able to successfully terminate an employee

I have tried these employee without any success:

Alana Smith (empl # 009120)  
Harold Ball (empl # 009036)
Susan Black (empl # 009094)

I got various errors, one of them is:
"Employee cannot terminate in a future pay period"
Eventhough I set the termination date earlier
Today date: 10/02/2011
Termination date: 09/02/2011

I have not been able to figure out what this mean.

Have you been able to successfull terminating an employee in Aurion?
If yes, since we shared the same database would you be able to pick a person to terminate and assist with providing me the detailed steps on how to do it.

If could also provide the same for unterminating a person I would be very much appreciated.

Thank you in advance for your help.

Re-opened. Requesting further assistant if possible.

Hi Shane,

I alluded to the problem you're having in my last comment when I said "You may have problems processing a termination as there are certain requirements (like the date on which they are to be terminated)".

Essentially, the Aurion 10 instance we have is a fully-functioning HR system that we only have limited access to and even less knowledge about. There are real pay runs configured in our environment that mean employees can be terminated only if they have been paid and processed according to a specific set of rules. I haven't the slightest idea what these rules are, and the only way I know how to terminate someone is by hiring AND firing them on very specific dates.

Unfortunately, these dates (and the rest of the demo script) are stored on the old wiki which is now unavailable. My repeated and constant requests to restore this system have been ignored, and I can only suggest you talk with your manager and ask him to follow it up in the hope your department will have better luck than mine.

Thanks Patrick.

Appreciated your time and help.

I will pass this ticket to Peter Wass to see if he can get some information on how to do this from one of his contact at Aurion.

Assign to Peter to see if he can get some information on how terminate and unterminte an employee in Aurion from one of his contact at Aurion.

I don't see how Peter Wass can help you with this, as I already know how to terminate and have explained it to you.

The issue in question is specific to OUR instance. Aurion Corp have already provided us with the information we need, and it's not their responsibility to provide it again because UNIFY is not capable of maintaining basic infrastructure.

I strongly suggest you follow my previous advise and ask Shane to bring this up with management.

Thanks Patrick. Much appreciate your time and help.

I'll request will request Peter Wass to assist in extracting the information from the wiki in the Canberra office instead.

Hi Peter,

As we have discussed, one you back in Canberra office, could you please assist with extracting the information from the wiki page on how to terminate and un-terminate an employee in Aurion system.

Thank you for your help.

The wiki is now available again. You should be able to get that data off it.

Requesting assistant with locating the right information on the wiki on how to terminate and unterminate an Aurion employee.

I have searched the wiki, http://development.unifysolutions.net:8080/index.php?title=Main_Page on "Aurion", "terminate", "termination" without able to locate the information required.


It appears the Termination section hasn't actually been filled in... not sure what that's about.

It's not too big an issue, as it's more important that you hire a new employee correctly. Follow the steps that are there (most notably, their hire date is very important), then try terminating them on a date about 2 weeks later.

Thanks Patrick.

I have been able to create a "new employee" following the link http://development.unifysolutions.net:8080/index.php?title=Demos%5CAurion_Demo

I have update the instruction to as below, so that if the wiki page is not available we have a copy here also. It is also easier to followed.

To Create User in Aurion System
1.	Login to Aurion Web Client
2.	Create a new Person - In the New Hires form click on "New (New Person)"
3.	Enter a salutation, Surname, Given name, Gender, Work Phone Number Birth Date (older than 18) Home Address - Street and select Postcode from the Postcode tab 
4.	Creating New Hire - In New Hires form, click on the "New (Existing Person)"
   1.	Select the new person 
   2.	Enter the Effective date. The Effective date must be 8/3/2010. Click confirm. 
   3.	In the Status section click Modify 
     1.	nd select the Payment Type  - Return. 
     2.	Award - Commonwealth Award
     3.	Holiday - ACT 
     4.	Pay Entity. - Fortnightly Return 
     5.	Branch - whatever 
     6.	Point - Whatever 
   4.	In Work Pattern section
     1.	Hours per week and Full time hours per week - 38 
     2.	Standard Hrs M-F ticked 
     3.	Has work pattern ticked 
   5.	In Job section
     1.	Position - select "ABC Company Group - Infrastrature Company - Building & Equipment Region - Brisbane Branch - Technical Officer (1019) Vacant EXEC 38 hrs". Click select
     2.	Primary cost code - Australia Capital Territ (ACT)
     3.	Set the rest of the job tab to anything 
   6.	In Taxation section 
     1.	Payee Type - Individual Non-Business 
     2.	Tax Indicator -  General Exemption No Loading 
     3.	Tax File Number = 111-111-111 
   7.	In Residual Net Pay section
     1.	Bank Brach - any branch
     2.	Bank Account - 12345678 
5.	Click Confirm Modify.
6.	Do not tab away, click modify 
7.	In Residual Net Pay section, set the Status to Scheduled 
8.	Click Confirm Modify
9.	Click Commit to Payroll (at the top menu). When prompted click "Yes".

Terminating the an Aurio employee is not successfully.

I have tried terminating 2 weeks, 3 weeks, 2 months, 3 months, 1 year etc., after the commenced date all returning the error when the "Process" is clicked.
"Employee cannot terminate in the future pay period"

If I changed the termination date to less than a week and click the "Process" button the Aurion gone into a busy state (hour-glass) for a very long time (a few hours) without returning.

The steps I used is as follow

1.	Login to Aurion Web Client
2.	In the top left click "New Hire" button menu
3.	In the "Termination" form click on "New" (red color button)
4.	Click on lookup arrow for the Employee field and enter the surname or employee number.
    1.	Select the person to be terminated.
5.	In the Termination field enter the termination date about 1 (2) weeks later (after the person was hired?, eg If commenced date is 08-March-2010 then termination date is 22-March-2010)
6.	In the Reason field - select a reason eg "Redundancy"
7.	In the Comments field - enter comment.
8.	Leave the Status field as Scheduled.
9.	Click Confirm. It will be busy processing for a while?
10.	Click the Process menu at the top 

Cannot proceed pass this point!

At this stage I expect the "Terminate Employee oage to be displayed, showing additional options.

Shane, I'll look at this as soon as I can, but I'll warn you now that you have all the information I do.

If I can't look at this until late tomorrow, do you have other work to go on with or is this a blocking issue?

Hi Patrick,

Would you be able to provide further suggestions on what I could try to terminate an Aurion employee since the information on the wiki page is not available.

Or would you suggest that we try to request the information again from Aurion team.

Thank you in advanced for your help.

I am trying to verify these steps because our Aurion demo virtual machine will expired on 05 March 2011.


I'll need to try it myself before I can provide any suggestions, and as I said I'll endeavor to do so by tomorrow.

I would advise against communication with Aurion Corporation at this time. I've just this minute got back from acquiring a new 5-year license for us and I now have to figure out the quickest and easiest way of distributing it to you. I'll let you know when this can be done.

Thank you very much Patrick!

No this is not a blocking issue. I was trying to ensure we have the "How-To terminate an employee in Aurion" before the system become in accessible.

I will wait for your investigation and for the new license.

Much appreciated.

Shane, what is the actual problem you're getting? Are you hitting "Process" and getting a "Loading..." pop-up that doesn't go away?

Hi Patrick,

My problem is
1 - If I tried to set the termination date approximately 2 weeks or more from the commenced date I get the error message - "Employee cannot terminate in the future pay period"

2 - If I tried to set the termination date only a few days after the commenced date I got the pop-up message "Loading...." with busy hour glass mouse and the screen becomes opaque for very long time and does not go away.

Setting the termination date a few days after is correct. I found the old termination instructions and it says to terminate them on the 12th, but I'm getting the same problem. I've seen plenty like it as the Web UI is very buggy (I think we have an old verson), but never anything that has stopped us this badly... very unfortunate.

The EXE Client doesn't allow us to terminate (as far as I can tell), so there's nothing more we can do. You'll either need to wait and test in their dev environment or modify your own environment slightly (i.e. differently to how you will on-site) to terminate them under a slightly different condition - for example, when they have no position record against them (you still terminate their position, just not their employment).

Thanks Patrick for your clarifications and suggestion.

For ASC I have managed to test the test the termination related scenario by flipping one of the attribute that is used to determine the IsActive attribute to simulate the termination scenario and testing.

This impact on large number of data/users but at least it was a workable work-around, altough it not testing the solution as design or normal flow of events.

For other project we may have to wait to be tested in the customer's environment.

Much appreciate your help.

If you agreed I believe this issue should now be resolved as "Won't Fix" or "Incomplete".

Something will have to be done about being unable to terminate in our own environment, but it's not something we can do at this time for a couple of reasons. I'll let you know when I've sorted something out.

Issue is resolved as best as it can at this point in time. Thus closed for now unless update info is available.