Identity Broker Forum

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Implement SCOM integration capabilities

Patrick Johannessen 12 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 2

SCOM integration capability for consumption in EB 3.1 and IdB 4.1

System administrators prefer to observe activity and errors through existing monitoring tools, such as SCOM. The value of Event Broker (and our entire product range) in an Enterprise would be greatly improved by permitting this.


Include a character ValueType

Tony Sheehy 11 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 2

There is currently no character field in Identity Broker. This is currently worked around by storing those values in the StringValue field:

GET: entity.GetValue<StringValue>(...).Value0;
SET: entity.SetValue<StringValue>(character.ToString(...));

However if this won't take much time it might be more descriptive to include a character field type.


Installer should configure web engine settings

Adam van Vliet 11 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 2

The service installer should configure the web engine settings for FIM Event Broker and Identity Broker.


Consider stopping ActionRefresh when the page isn't focused.

Tony Sheehy 11 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 1

Consider stopping ActionRefresh when the page isn't focused as it would reduce network usage.


Prevalidation of log writer display name duplicate

Daniel Walters 11 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 2

If you create a Custom Log Writer with the same display name as an existing one it goes back to the Logs page with an error "A log writer already exists with the name "BlahBlahBlah" " You lose any configuration. Could be good to validate first.


Prevent use of JS/CSS cache with new product versions

Patrick Johannessen 10 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 1

We should investigate whether we can use phantom query strings to prevent the use of the CSS/JS cache when upgrading to new product versions. See:


CsvEnumerable cannot parse Unix-formatted CSV files

Patrick Johannessen 10 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 2

Though RFC4180 states the end of each row should be CRLF, some CSV files I've encountered (such as from here: use the lone, Unix/OSX LF at the end of rows. Our CsvEnumerable is intended to parse these but currently doesn't


WCF communicator - new settings for authentication

Adam van Vliet 9 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 1

The WCF communicator is currently only able to use Windows credentials. Update the communicator information to have auth type, then switch on that to set either the Windows or the UserName credentials.


Identity Broker for Microsoft Office365 to support CONTACT objects too

Bob Bradley 8 years ago in UNIFYBroker/Microsoft Office Enterprise updated by anonymous 7 years ago 17

The v5.0 release supports provision/sync of only users and groups. I am not clear about the use case(s) as to where Broker would be used in lieu of AADConnect (or DirSync before it) or the WAAD connector in FIM - but without support for contacts such an interchange could not be considered for most enterprises.

anonymous 7 years ago

Currently not possible due to the current version not supporting adds:

{"odata.error":{"code":"Request_BadRequest","message":{"lang":"en","value":"Data contract version does not allow 'Create' operations against instances of resource 'Contact'."},"values":null}}

The code is now available to do this new connector (as long as the functionality is added to Graph), so as soon as it's possible it won't take long to release.


Security Users Connector not importing export changes

Ryan Crossingham 11 years ago in UNIFYBroker/Aurion updated by anonymous 8 years ago 6

After successfully exporting users to Aurion Security Users and attempting to import the change from the Security users connector - The new users are not being picked up.

If i attempt to export again the Aurion API errors "Aurion API error -1: User ID is already recorded in Aurion" which indicates that the export completed successfully. Its just the changes that are not being processed.

I think the first thing to check is that the AURIONSECUSER report created by Lifehouse is outputting these new users.. If not - the issue starts there..

Any other recommendations would be appreciated.