
Implement SCOM integration capabilities

Patrick Johannessen 12 years ago updated by anonymous 9 years ago 2

SCOM integration capability for consumption in EB 3.1 and IdB 4.1

System administrators prefer to observe activity and errors through existing monitoring tools, such as SCOM. The value of Event Broker (and our entire product range) in an Enterprise would be greatly improved by permitting this.

The FIM Monitoring pack was published by Microsoft in 2011 and is available for download here, along with a guide document in MS Word. The document may prove to be a useful benchmark in framing a consistent approach to SCOM integration for UNIFY products. This will also provide a means for customers who do NOT have SCOM to "roll their own" monitoring mechanism, e.g. by subscribing to key server events (see http://bobbradley1967.wordpress.com/2013/04/29/server-email-notifications/).

Resolved. Missed this when creating UFCORE-72.