Identity Broker Forum

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Under review

HPRM Trim associations connector failing to import

Hayden Gray 2 years ago in UNIFYBroker/Micro Focus Content Manager updated 1 year ago 9

I am currently experiencing issues importing with a trim associations connector, I believe its the same as The issue in particular is a timeout issue generating the below error. I don't recall a time when this connector was ever working as it has been misconfigured in the past. Please note other location connectors work fine and the agent connector successfully.

Image 6374

Some issue we had in the past, were this connector appeared to be mapped to the "location" connector and has since been update to the "associations".

Image 6375

Thinking something that was possibly incorrect with this config, I tried creating a new connector from scratch and the xml generated is the following, which appears to be the wrong connector type.

Image 6376

Apologies for the images instead of copy/paste, I cannot easily get the config out of the environment. Let me know if you need more information.

Currently running UNIFYBroker 5.3.3

HP TRIM connector


Error When Creating or Editing Multivalued Group Transformation on Adapter

Tom Parker 2 years ago updated by Matthew Davis (Technical Product Manager) 1 year ago 2

I get the following error either when creating a new multivalued group transform or when editing one that already exists. It occurs after you hit save on the Pick Connector screen.

Image 6372


Entity Id search doesn't work

Adrian Corston 2 years ago in UNIFYBroker Service updated by Matthew Davis (Technical Product Manager) 2 years ago 5

When I put an Entity Id into the search field on the Entity Search screen, UNIFYBroker doesn't search for the entity.

Image 6369

This is particularly problematical when searching by ID for one entity in a large partition, since the only way to find it is to order by Entity Id and browse result pages one by one, matching Entity Ids visually until the required entity is found.  Even after selecting "Show 100 entries" for a customer with a large number of entities this takes many minutes and dozens of click-wait-for-page-load-look-and-scroll cycles.  Sometimes this process needs to be repeated for many Entity Ids and it becomes frustrating and wastes time.


Entity Search filter OR option

Bob Bradley 2 years ago in UNIFYBroker Service 0

When multiple filters are applied on an entity search the operator applied is by default an AND.  A checkbox option(s) similar to say the MIM Portal entity search filtering options would be ideal, but at a minimum the ability to OR filters would be handy to assist test scenarios and troubleshooting.

Under review

Chris21 import unexpectedly hangs

A chris21 DET import has hung, seemingly forever.  Is there some way to find out what caused it to hang?  Could we have a timeout added so it automatically recovers.  Right now there's no way to find out there's an issue until the customer rings to ask why processing has stopped.

Under review

AD outbound link ends up with join errors to non-existent adapter entities during normal operation

Adrian Corston 2 years ago in UNIFYBroker Service updated 2 years ago 5

Image 6335

Following successful initial data load and a number of normal HRIS/AD connector import cycles an outbound link to AD has somehow ended up with a join to a non-existent adapter entity (in the case above, eeb1ac7e-fda0-4f64-a509-2af2a88ac22f).

Could this be 4306 Non-existant adapter joins when outgoing baseline syncs fail back to haunt me again?  :(


Chris21 API delays and timeouts

Connecting from UNIFYConnect to my customer's Chris21 via PortBridge I am seeing some strange API delays.

For DET I see the following - connection successful, then a one minute delay before all the records come through:

Image 6331

For POS it's a bit more problematical - connection successful, but nearly 5 minute delay before the records come through, accompanied by a "loop time limit" timeout error which aborts the import:

Image 6332

Do you have any suggestions what might be going on to result in this behaviour?

The customer is filtering the results we see to just a small number of records, as this is a small-scale POC.


Seems like this problem is occuring because the customer has defined server-side filtering of the records returned to us, and sometimes the backend runs for over 280 seconds without passing a result back to the Chris21 web service, at which point it times out.  Sadly, we haven't been able to find where that 280 seconds delay is configured yet.  But the issue is definitely on the Chris21 end.

It should be OK to set this ticket non-private, I was careful to redact customer details and credentials.


Join transformation resulting in high resource consumption

Matthew Davis (Technical Product Manager) 2 years ago in UNIFYBroker Service updated by Adrian Corston 1 year ago 3

Priority: Critical
Impact: Use of transformation renders whole UNIFYConnect environment unusable

A join transformation on a single valued field is causing high CPU, Memory and Database resource consumption. 

Image 6330

Source adapter has 7000 entities. Connector being joined to has 7100 entities. 

May be of interest: The field being joined to in the connector  has some values as "empty" rather than null.


Duplicate changes registered for the same entity in the adapter

Matthew Davis (Technical Product Manager) 2 years ago in UNIFYBroker Service updated 2 years ago 2

Priority: Low/Medium
Impact: Higher than necessary UNIFYConnect resource consumption

With a connector and adapter configured in UNIFYBroker, and the adapter has multiple transformations registered (such as joins and future dated changes), a change appears to be registered in the change table for each combination of entity + transformation. 

This can result in 8-10 changes being registered for the same entity. While this isn't impactful from a change perspective (the latter computations of changes result in no actual changes being made to the adapter entity), a connector import of 7000 entities is resulting in upwards of 60,000 changes being registered which results in unnecessary delays of processing and computation on the database.


Patch released with broker

Not a bug

Sometimes Changes Sync doesn't run when there are pending changes

Adrian Corston 2 years ago in UNIFYBroker Service updated by Matthew Davis (Technical Product Manager) 2 years ago 6

In UNIFYConnect very occasionally Change Sync won't run (either from a schedule or when invoked manually from the UI) when there are pending changes on the link.  Service restart doesn't help, but running a Baseline Sync does.  I have no idea what causes it to get into this state I'm afraid.