UNIFYBroker/Microsoft SharePoint Specifications


UNIFYBroker/Microsoft SharePoint contains five connectors for connecting to different major versions of SharePoint. Cumulative updates and service packs are not known to disrupt any functionality of the connectors. 

The MOSS 2007 User Profile connector is capable of connecting to a Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 instance, up to and including Service Pack 3. Custom  Web Services are required in order to delete users and migrate accounts.

The 2010/2013 User Profile and 2010 Organization Profile connectors are capable of connecting to any SharePoint Foundation or SharePoint Server 2010 and 2013 instances. A custom  WCF Service is required in order for communication to occur. SP1 and the August 2012 Cumulative Update are required in order to support polling operations for organization profiles.

The WSS3 connector is capable of connecting to any Windows SharePoint Services 3 instance, including the underlying installation on a MOSS 2007 instance.

The List connector is capable of connecting to any WSS3, MOSS 2007 or SharePoint 2010 and 2013 instances.


The MOSS 2007 User Profile connector is capable of reading, adding and updating user profiles. Unlike other mechanisms which rely on SharePoint's BDC or the use of Active Directory, the connector utilizes the user profile service for data management. By adding the custom  Web Services, the connector is also able to delete profiles and migrate profiles that have had their account name change; these operations are not supported by the default service. The Bulk Transfer web service is recommended for use in place of the default service for profile retrieval, as it is able to overcome the limitations of SharePoint only sourcing one profile at a time.

The SharePoint 2010/2013 User Profile connector has identical functionality to the 2007 User Profile connector, albeit managed via the custom  WCF Service instead.

The SharePoint 2010 Organization Profile connector is able to perform read, add, update and delete operations for organization profiles.

The WSS 3 connector can manage the limited data present in Windows SharePoint Services user profiles.

The List connector is capable of managing list data for any version of SharePoint using the  Lists.asmx web service.

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