2014-02-19 - Auto-document your FIM Portal Solution
19 February 2014 20:00 UTCLync Meeting
- Henry Schleichardt
- Carol Wapshere
Auto-document your FIM Portal SolutionTwo scripted approaches will be presented and shared – a visual representation of your portal policy produced in Visio, and a complete configuration document produced in Word.
Søren Granfeldt has a new release candidate for his FIM2010 PowerShell MA. He welcomes feedback about bugs and other findings. RC download link - http://bit.ly/1kBy55h. Main news for this version is the option to impersonate another user than the Synchronization Service account when running the PowerShell scripts. That actually gives you the option of two different sets of credential to use when hitting your target system with the scripts. Original link for PowerShell MA - http://blog.goverco.com/p/powershell-management-agent.html
Eihab Isaac won a a TechNet Guru Gold Medal for his post on installing BHOLD. Congratulations Eihab! http://social.technet.microsoft.com/wiki/contents/articles/22621.fim-2010-installing-bhold-fim-integration.aspx
Eihab Isaac won a a TechNet Guru Gold Medal for his post on installing BHOLD. Congratulations Eihab! http://social.technet.microsoft.com/wiki/contents/articles/22621.fim-2010-installing-bhold-fim-integration.aspx

Get the Scripts
Visio scripts: Visio Representations of Portal PolicyWord scripts: Automatic Word Documentation
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