
Error when executing a relationship query using SAP HCM test harness

Joe Varkey 14 years ago in UNIFYBroker/SAP ERP Human Capital Management updated by anonymous 9 years ago 6

When using the SAP HCM test harness against the three available functions errors are presented similar to the error below:

                            • Exception Text **************
                              Unify.Communicators.SapHRCommunicator.SapHrRfcException: An error occurred whilst attempting to call the GetOrgStructureDetails RFC: SAP.Connector.RfcSystemException: Syntax error in program SAPLZUNIFYIM .
                              at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)

Firstly, this issue is assigned to you, Joe. I assume you meant to escalate this? Please escalate to either

Are you using the test harness and not the wizard?

My immediate instinct is that Allied Mills may not be using a compatible code-page. Can you confirm they are using a Unicode code-page?

If this is not the case, then I will probably need to escalate further.

Have confirmed via email that Unicode page being used.

Another observation when using the SAP HCM test harness.

Resolved by adding data dictionary and new data structure. See linked issue

Reopened to close estimate down to 0.

Changed remaining estimate to 0.