
Change detection logging is a bit confusing

Matthew Clark 13 years ago updated by anonymous 9 years ago 2

The logging of change detection is a little bit confusing. Consider the following excerpt:

09/Aug/2012 09:13:39
Connector Get entities from connector completed.
Get entities Count:1 from connector chris POS returned 1 entities. Duration: 00:00:00.0005000
09/Aug/2012 09:13:39
Connector Processor Connector Processing started.
Connector Processing started for connector chris POS (page 1)
09/Aug/2012 09:13:39
Connector Processor Connector processing success.
0 entites in cumulative total. Current processing of page 1 for connector chris POS processed 1 entities, finding 1 differences. Duration: 00:00:00.3690000.
09/Aug/2012 09:13:39
Connector Processor Connector Post Processing started.
Connector Post Processing started for connector chris POS. Processed Entities: 1
09/Aug/2012 09:13:40
Connector Processor Connector Post Processing success.
Connector Post Processing completed for connector chris POS. Processed Entities: 1. Matching Entities: 0. Reported Changes: 0. Duration: 00:00:00.1330000

The Post Processing information is correct, but it makes it look like that no changes should exist, even though the one change has been detected as a difference when processing the page. Perhaps it could be clarified by putting page information in the same format, and/or clarifying what post processing means. Since post processing happens afterwards, it looks like the earlier change was not found to be a match.

I've updated the post processing messages as follows:

Connector Post Processing started - checking for deleted entities in connector {0}. Processed Entities: {1}
Connector Post Processing completed checking for deletes for connector {0}. Processed Entities: {1}. Matching Entities: {2}. Reported Changes: {3}. Duration: {4}

This should clarify that post processing is only checking for deletes, and does not replace the earlier processing. Issue resolved, please confirm if the messages are appropriate

Confirmed, closed.