
IdB logs refer to Adapter GUIDs

Matthew Woolnough 11 years ago updated by anonymous 9 years ago 1

Adapter GUIDs are not available in the IdB UI.
Connectors are referred to by name

20130501,17:02:58,UNIFY Identity Broker,Adapter,Information,"Adapter import all entities to adapter space completed.
Adapter import all entities to adapter space 6e91a985-feb0-4d17-9ed9-191d9cd85c86 returned 8435 entities. Duration: 00:01:40.6744522",Normal
20130501,17:02:58,UNIFY Identity Broker,Adapter,Information,"Adapter
Adapter 6e91a985-feb0-4d17-9ed9-191d9cd85c86 page started reflection.",Normal
20130501,17:03:15,UNIFY Identity Broker,Adapter,Information,"Adapter
Adapter 6e91a985-feb0-4d17-9ed9-191d9cd85c86 page completed reflection. Duration: 00:00:16.9066828",Normal
20130502,04:10:41,UNIFY Identity Broker,Logging Engine,Information,Log file completed.,Minimal

Hi Matt,

Agree, have updated IDB-858 to include the content of this issue as they are very similar.