Under review

Return error to MIM when exporting via a PowerShell connector

Hayden Gray 2 months ago in PowerShell connector updated 2 months ago 2

Is there a way to return an error to MIM for individual entities while exporting via a PowerShell connector? My export script uses the standard try/catch and pushes failures where an entity fails to export, eg:
     #Export entity

Though when an entity fails it returns a very generic error to MIM.

Image 6931

Is there a way to return a more descriptive along with each of the individual failures?

Under review

Morning Hayden,

Not at this stage. If the powershell request surfaces an uncaught exception back to UNIFYBroker then we will include that in the response, but for explicitly failed entities we don't currently have a mechanism to associate an exception to the individual entities.

If this is something that could be helpful, I can add it to our backlog for future releases.

No worries Thanks Matt. Its not necessary, errors are logged via other means, and it would only be helpful in the niche case so I was just curious