Won't fix

How can we re-trigger an AD User provision?

Andrei Nicolas 1 year ago in UNIFYBroker Service updated 10 months ago 4

Hi All

Is there a way to re-trigger an Outbound provision going from the Locker to AD.

- We have done a baseline sync

-  We have checked the criteria required for a provision to AD

Is this a bug or is there a solution already made?

Many thanks


Satisfaction mark by Andrei Nicolas 10 months ago
Under review

Hi Andrei

Running a baseline sync will provision entities if the link is configured to do so. If that's not happening there should be a log message indicating the reason why; either an error if something failed, or the sync completion message indicating there where entities that were delayed, denied, or failed.

Is this a bug or is there a solution already made?

I don't have enough information to make a call on this, yet. Checking the logs for the entries described above, as well as any other errors coming from the AD adapter or connector, would be a good start.

Hi All

Thanks for that, yes Connect will provision well if there are no errors  or duplicate accounts.

Will close this issue

Many thanks
