
Aurion API error -1: You are not logged on to the Aurion web services application server. Use the LOGON operation

Adrian Corston 1 year ago in UNIFYBroker Service updated by Matthew Davis (Technical Product Manager) 9 months ago 6
Topic collaborators

This issue is occurring in my customer's PROD environment, despite me having implemented the workaround of one Aurion agent for each Aurion connector and that workaround appearing to have worked correctly in their TEST environment (where these errors have not be observed):

Update entities 11 to connector Aurion Security User reported 11 entities saved, 11 failed. Duration: 00:00:57.4310747",Normal
20230404,22:52:59,UNIFYBroker,EntitySaver,Error,The entity XXX (c71168bd-30e8-460e-832c-4e0983b47d6b) for the adapter Aurion Security User (f3c9eba8-ccd2-447b-ba37-67796af63171) failed to update for the following reasons: Aurion API error -1: You are not logged on to the Aurion web services application server. Use the LOGON operation.,Normal
20230404,22:52:59,UNIFYBroker,EntitySaver,Error,The entity XXX (8d7ab2cf-fb2a-41c4-9700-fbba79ca1722) for the adapter Aurion Security User (f3c9eba8-ccd2-447b-ba37-67796af63171) failed to update for the following reasons: Aurion API error -1: You are not logged on to the Aurion web services application server. Use the LOGON operation.,Normal
20230404,22:52:59,UNIFYBroker,EntitySaver,Error,The entity XXX (00a0802e-f57f-40e2-8667-7a9c5d7a7004) for the adapter Aurion Security User (f3c9eba8-ccd2-447b-ba37-67796af63171) failed to update for the following reasons: Aurion API error -1: You are not logged on to the Aurion web services application server. Use the LOGON operation.,Normal
20230404,22:52:59,UNIFYBroker,EntitySaver,Error,The entity XXX (800e7663-b6b8-4e36-849b-477c69fb21c0) for the adapter Aurion Security User (f3c9eba8-ccd2-447b-ba37-67796af63171) failed to update for the following reasons: Aurion API error -1: You are not logged on to the Aurion web services application server. Use the LOGON operation.,Normal
20230404,22:52:59,UNIFYBroker,EntitySaver,Error,The entity XXX (e55f8dbf-8d45-4f20-b561-08603923c0f0) for the adapter Aurion Security User (f3c9eba8-ccd2-447b-ba37-67796af63171) failed to update for the following reasons: Aurion API error -1: You are not logged on to the Aurion web services application server. Use the LOGON operation.,Normal
20230404,22:52:59,UNIFYBroker,EntitySaver,Error,The entity XXX (ee80f7e3-7b8b-4cf1-bf12-3e58713ee29b) for the adapter Aurion Security User (f3c9eba8-ccd2-447b-ba37-67796af63171) failed to update for the following reasons: Aurion API error -1: You are not logged on to the Aurion web services application server. Use the LOGON operation.,Normal
20230404,22:52:59,UNIFYBroker,EntitySaver,Error,The entity XXX (2435a9d0-263f-4c43-9e99-36ae99e239ae) for the adapter Aurion Security User (f3c9eba8-ccd2-447b-ba37-67796af63171) failed to update for the following reasons: Aurion API error -1: You are not logged on to the Aurion web services application server. Use the LOGON operation.,Normal
20230404,22:52:59,UNIFYBroker,EntitySaver,Error,The entity XXX (dcfa3e64-be3a-41c4-a19b-a28fcef61700) for the adapter Aurion Security User (f3c9eba8-ccd2-447b-ba37-67796af63171) failed to update for the following reasons: Aurion API error -1: You are not logged on to the Aurion web services application server. Use the LOGON operation.,Normal
20230404,22:52:59,UNIFYBroker,EntitySaver,Error,The entity XXX (c33745d2-dfd0-44f9-bbb9-456d2afdaac0) for the adapter Aurion Security User (f3c9eba8-ccd2-447b-ba37-67796af63171) failed to update for the following reasons: Aurion API error -1: You are not logged on to the Aurion web services application server. Use the LOGON operation.,Normal
20230404,22:52:59,UNIFYBroker,EntitySaver,Error,The entity XXX (a5805bac-7b60-4ed9-9bae-449b481c094b) for the adapter Aurion Security User (f3c9eba8-ccd2-447b-ba37-67796af63171) failed to update for the following reasons: Aurion API error -1: You are not logged on to the Aurion web services application server. Use the LOGON operation.,Normal
20230404,22:52:59,UNIFYBroker,EntitySaver,Error,The entity XXX (3d3b1f15-bc78-4415-9419-4c782f956976) for the adapter Aurion Security User (f3c9eba8-ccd2-447b-ba37-67796af63171) failed to update for the following reasons: Aurion API error -1: You are not logged on to the Aurion web services application server. Use the LOGON operation.,Normal

All Aurion connectors are part of an exclusion connector group.

Could you please investigate and advise?

Under review

Hi Adrian

Have you been able to reproduce this in a different environment yet, by any chance? I don't have a Aurion instance I can reproduce the login errors at all (even using a single connector), but I've been looking at the agent and have re-written the authentication handling to better handle concurrent API sign-ins. This is still theoretical, until it can be tested in an affected environment, but it should should remove the need for duplicate agents, and may also fix this prod issue, depending on it's cause.

Please advise if you'd like this deployed as a patch, and to which environment.

I've only seen the issue in the environment mentioned above, in their Production environment.  Platform & Automation might be able to review all the UNIFYConnect logs for environments they manage and advise if the error is happening for anyone else.

Unless we identify that this can be tested outside of a Production environment it's not easy to see how we could test the patch, sorry.  Could you please liaise with the Platform & Automation group and see what they can do for you?

Thanks Matt, I've referred this to MS&S.

Found it thanks