
Can Identity Broker be configured to send e-mail log notifications?

Shane Lim 13 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 4

Can Identity Broker be configured to send e-mail log notifications of errors?

Absolutely it can be configure to send e-mails of errors.

Composite loggers, combined with filter loggers, can be used to send e-mails of warnings or errors.

For example:

<LogWriter name="AsyncLogWriterComposite">
  <LogWriter name="CSV" prefix="IdentityBroker" directory="L:\Logs\Identity Broker" />
  <LogWriter name="LogWriterFilterDecorator">
    <logFilter name="Severity" severity="Error,Warning" />
    <LogWriter name="Email" fromAddress="fake@tempuri.org" replyToAddress="fake@tempuri.org" senderAddress="fake@tempuri.org" smtpHost="mail.tempuri.org" subjectPrefix="Identity Broker log" toAddress="idmadmin@tempuri.org" />

Will use the CSV log file for everything, but send errors and warnings to idmadmin@tempuri.org.

Thank you for your help Shane Day. Very much appreciated.

The following was applied at Tatts Group Dev/UAT env as a test and work perfectly.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<LogWriter name="AsyncLogWriterComposite">
	<LogWriter name="CSV" prefix="UnifyLog" directory="C:\Program Files\UNIFY Solutions\Logs"/>
	<LogWriter name="LogWriterFilterDecorator">
    		<logFilter name="Severity" severity="Error,Warning" />
    		<LogWriter name="Email" fromAddress="Anthony.Miller@tattsgroup.com" replyToAddress="Anthony.Miller@tattsgroup.com" senderAddress="Anthony.Miller@tattsgroup.com" smtpHost="vsempprdmsg01.tattsgroup.com" subjectPrefix="Identity Broker log" toAddress="Anthony.Miller@tattsgroup.com" />

Configuration applied and email notification send correctly when error occurred in the Identity Broker.