
Changes to gappsSharedContactConnector and Calendar Connector

Monash 9 years ago in UNIFYBroker/Google Apps updated by anonymous 9 years ago 3


Has the gappsSharedContactConnector changed?

I believe previously we had to put in

while creating the connector. Now it does not seem to be the case?

Just wanted to confirm. Its better for us if it was removed. Easier to maintain..

If that is the case.. can we do the same for calendar connector? We still have to mention domain there.. and if it can pickup from agent file, we won't have to maintain three separate Unify.Product.IdentityBroker.ConnectorEnginePlugInKey.extensibility.config.xml files for DEV / QAT / PROD (due to static domain fields)

But if calendar connector requires it for some reason then we can let it be.

The domain shared contact connector changed when Google changed the way authentication was done for that set of API's. Unfortunately the calendar connector still must use one of the old API's as it has not yet been replaced by Google.

The domain is in two places as it was originally written (quite some time ago now) to account for the case where the domain might be different in the two places. If the values are the same for you I should be able to merge them quite easily. Just let me know and I'll look at getting it into the next release.


Hi Adam

I don't see a case or reason where we will have set separate domain for calendar in agent and in connector..

Would be good to merge.. so that we only have the agent file to worry about for different domains

I've removed it in the latest version.
