Controller Unify.Product.IdentityBroker.Chris21ConnectorController errored on action UpdateConnector with the following reason: Model state invalid for: connectorInformation.Extended.EaiFlagDeleteAttribute: The EaiFlagDeleteAttribute field is required.
Adrian Corston 3 years ago
updated by Beau Harrison (Senior Product Software Engineer) 3 years ago •
When updating the Name configuration of a Chris21 connector, the following error appears:
An error has occurred: Controller Unify.Product.IdentityBroker.Chris21ConnectorController errored on action UpdateConnector with the following reason: Model state invalid for: connectorInformation.Extended.EaiFlagDeleteAttribute: The EaiFlagDeleteAttribute field is required.
This is the latest version of everything (UNIFYConnect 'demo.local' environment).
Customer support service by UserEcho
Hi Adrian
The EAI Flag option needs to have a value, event when the EAI Type is set to Delete and the input is hidden. If you have EAI Type set to Delete, try changing EAI Type to Flag and if EAI Flag is empty, entering the the default value of
, changing EAI Type back to Delete, then saving the connector.The EAI Flag value should not be lost based on any other configuration settings or changes, only if removed manually, either though the UI or in the extensibility configuration directly. If this isn't the case for you, let me know and I'll look into why that might be happening.
I confirm everything you wrote, Beau. Temporarily changing the EAI Type to Flag so a value can be populated into EAI Flag and then resetting it back to Delete makes it possible to change and save the Chris21 connector's configuration.