
Scheduled execution of Test Connection on agents

Adrian Corston 4 years ago in UNIFYBroker Service updated by Matthew Davis (Technical Product Manager) 4 years ago 1

An automated periodic execution of the Test Connection functionality on an agent for UNIFYMonitor to pick up and report on would give UNIFY early warning that a low level service problem exists.

[Bob's suggestion]



Hi Adrian,

This could be completed using the Scheduled Jobs feature of the UNIFYBroker logging engine. This gives access to the $components.AgentEngine component, which has a method void Test(Guid agentId) that could be used to execute tests. Alternatively you could call the REST API from a scheduled job to execute the task.


Thanks Matt.  That's useful, but custom PowerShell coding would be required (and there's no standardised/built-in way to send any notification to the customer or solution administrator).  Could you please retain this in the backlog as a request for built-in functionality suitable for use by a consultant or customer who is not a developer?

Satisfaction mark by Adrian Corston 4 years ago

Hi Adrian,

This could be completed using the Scheduled Jobs feature of the UNIFYBroker logging engine. This gives access to the $components.AgentEngine component, which has a method void Test(Guid agentId) that could be used to execute tests. Alternatively you could call the REST API from a scheduled job to execute the task.